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2017年5月13日,尔湾Beautiful Chinese American华人义工队伍参加亨廷顿海滩(Huntington Beach)清洁活动






为了更好的了解在美华人的义工行为,我诚挚地邀请您参与这份问卷调查。这是第一份针对在美华人的义工行为的研究,研究的结果对非营利机构有重要的实际意义,并能帮助学者和从业人员更好地了解华人志愿者,让他们听到在美华人的心声。你的参与对在美华人的社区参与和社会融入有着重要的意义。为保证研究质量,参与问卷调查的群体必须满足一定的量的要求。现在距离最低标准还缺80 份有效数据,请大力协助。


此调查为纯学术性质。您的回答是匿名的,您的信息也不会泄露给其他任何人。您的参与是保密的。本次问卷调查唯一涉及的个人信息是您的电子邮件地址。采集电子邮件地址的唯一目的是进行礼卡抽奖, 您的电子邮件地址不会泄露给任何其他人, 不会作其他任何用途。您的电子邮件地址也不会和您的问卷答案相关联。























旧金山City Impact感恩节义工给无家可归者和低收入家庭送免费午餐。


Volunteerism is an important part of our daily life in the United States. Through volunteerism, we learn about the society, we make friends, we improve our communities and we better Chinese people’s image in the U.S.


If you volunteer for your children’s school, for your church, for your nonprofit organizations, your thoughts and feelings are of great importance.


You are sincerely invited to participate in this survey to better understand Chinese people’s (including Chinese, Chinese American and American-born Chinese) volunteering experience in the U.S. This is the first study that survey Chinese populations’ volunteering activities. Results of this study will provide implications for nonprofit organizations to better communicate and engage with this population, and help scholars and professionals to better understand Chinese volunteers in the U.S., and to let them hear your voices. Your participation contributes to the understanding of Chinese immigrants’ community and social inclusion (as well as the researcher’s successful graduation). A proper sample size is needed for quality purposes. Right now 80 more participants are needed to complete the data collection. Please help out by participating if you can.


This is an academic survey. Your response is anonymous and will not be shared with anyone else. Your email address will be collected for raffling purposes and your email address will not be associated with your responses. You do not have to provide your email address. However, if you do, you will have the chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card. 5 gift cards will be raffled.


If you are a Chinese adult (18 and older, including Chinese, Chinese American and American-born Chinese) living in the U.S., AND you have volunteered for a nonprofit organization in the U.S. in the past two years, please take your time and participate in this survey and write down your story with your community. The survey takes about 20 minutes. There are attention check questions in the survey so please be tentative to survey questions.


  Please scan the RQ code to participate:  


You can also copy and paste the following link to participate:



Some exemplar questions in this survey include:


How do you identify yourself?

Very Chinese




Very American


In total, how many people have you met since joining the organization who are now your friends?


作者:Anli Xiao


本文首发于“美国华人”公众号(ID: ChineseAmericans)


lingzi68 发表评论于
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