我跟在老公后面在汽车站售票窗口排队买票,快轮到我们的时候才发现窗口贴着的告示“Men only”,我当时很纳闷:难道男人才可以买票吗?太歧视女人了。后面跟着来了一对法国情侣,他们也一起排队买票,我指着告示告诉他们“Men only”,他们会意地笑了,女的退出站一边。后来我才发现窗口的另一边贴着“Ladies only ”,才明白男女授受不亲,排队也要分开。
Dubai does a superb job segregating the Islamic faithful from the secular in tune with Dubai's ambition of becoming an international hub of business. Even though Islam prohibits, e.g., alcohol and prostitution, alcohol flows freely in the hotels and clubs, and scantily clad women, mostly western, cavort openly around men in the nightclubs. The prostitution is actually quite open in the lobbies of the large hotels. There are a few large nightclubs known for prostitutes openly plying their trades. It is legal. The girls there come from all over the world. The most popular ones are from the former Soviet Union republics and Eastern European countries. Most of the girls are very pretty, thanks to the open and free market competition. You negotiate the price like in any business transaction, fueled and lubricated of course by nicely concocted cocktails and seductive dancing. The more beautiful ones, of course, fetch the highest price and leave earlier with their clients. As the night drags on, the price drops and selection dwindles.
菲儿天地 发表评论于
nightrider 发表评论于
You did not realize that the four-wives rule is only the upper bound of number of wives a man can marry. Koran does not say a man must have four wives. There are men who have no wives at all. So it does not violate the approximate 1:1 ratio of men:women.