
早发白帝城  李白 (701-762)唐朝(618-907)   四川省 江油市 -13-

zǎo fā bái dì chéng  帝: dì emperor 上帝 黄帝 皇帝        

The River Journey from White King City


cháo cí bái dì cǎi yún jiān ,qiān lǐ jiāng líng yī rì hái 。

朝:cháo dynasty; morning面对 早上 辞:words, speech 诗词 辞别 :líng hill, mound 山 丘

Zhaodi Baidi Caiyun, thousands of miles of Jiangling still on the 1st.


liǎng àn yuán shēng tí bù zhù ,qīng zhōu yǐ guò wàn zhòng shān 。

岸:àn bank, shore; beach, coast 河岸 :yuán ape 猿猴 :tí caw crow 叫 笑 :zhōu boat, ship船

Cross-strait squeaks can't help but the light boat has passed through ten thousand mountains。

leaving at dawn the White Emperor crowned with cloud; I've sailed a thousand miles through Gorges in a day.  With monkeys" sad adieux the riverbanks are loud; My skiff has left ten thousand mountains far away.
