年少时候在台北住过三年,但那时候大家都只说国语,说台语会被学长学姐教训没气质,导致我的台语菜到去面店买个面都会买错。 不过即使这样,还是学会了几首台语歌--江惠的酒后的心声,望春风,还有天黑黑。 离开台湾后,再也用不到台语,只有在大学时,室友是新加坡人,每次我学江惠唱“酒后的心声”,唱到“我无醉、我无醉无醉、请你不免同情我;酒若入喉,痛入心肝”,室友都会笑得在床上打滚。
Fast forward。认识老公以后,他带我去Mount Bonnell约会。山顶果然风光无限,两个青涩年轻人,就坐着呆呆看风景,好久,好久。
直到太阳落山了,游人都散去。想说的话也说完了,我开始唱儿歌。可惜老公几乎都不会一首完整的中文歌。日落的Mount Bonnell很安详,有一种温柔又凄怆的美。我想起了天黑黑,唱给老公听。
天黑黑 The sky is dark
我的小时候 When I was little
吵闹任性的时候 Whenever I threw a fit
我的外婆总会唱歌哄我 My grandmother would always sing a song to me
夏天的午后老老的歌安慰我 In those summer afternoons, such an old, old song would comfort me
那首歌好像这样唱的 And that song goes like this:
天黑黑欲落雨 The sky is dark, it’s about to rain
天黑黑黑黑 The sky is dark… is dark…
离开小时候 Leaving my childhood behind
有了自己的生活 I started my own life
新鲜的歌新鲜的念头 New songs, new ideas
任性和冲动无法控制的时候 At times when I couldn’t control my impetuous temper
我忘记还有这样的歌 I forgot there’s still this song
天黑黑欲落雨 The sky is dark, it is about to rain
天黑黑黑黑 The sky is dark… is dark…
我爱上让我奋不顾身的一个人 I fell head over heels in love with someone
我以为这就是我所追求的世界 I thought this was the kind of world I was looking for
然而横冲直撞被误解被骗 But running headstrong, getting misunderstood and being cheated on
是否成人的世界背后总有残缺 Is the adult world always so flawed
我走在每天必须面对的分岔路 Everyday I have to face forks in the road and pick my paths
我怀念过去单纯美好的小幸福 I miss those simple, innocent happiness in the past
爱总是让人哭让人觉得不满足 Love always makes us cry, makes us feel dissatisfied
天空很大却看不清楚 The sky is vast yet hazy
好孤独 So lonely
天黑的时候我又想起那首歌 When the sky is dark, I think of that song again
突然期待下起安静的雨 Suddenly I expect it to rain softly
原来外婆的道理早就唱给我听 Turns out grandma had sung her advice to me long ago —
下起雨也要勇敢前进… "Even when it rains, keep going forward bravely."
我相信一切都会平息 I believe everything will calm down eventually
我现在好想回家去 Now I just really feel like going home
天黑黑欲落雨 The sky is dark, it is about to rain
天黑黑黑黑 The sky is dark… is dark…
不知道为什么今天又想起来这首歌。想起了在台湾的外婆,想起了那些青涩的时光,那个年轻气盛的自己;想起了在Mount Bonnell那天晚上唱天黑黑,身边温柔的老公;想起了曾经做过的一些痛苦选择,同一个地方,彷徨却倔强,掩饰着惊慌的心痛。 每一个人,多多少少都在成长的路上经历过一些崎岖、一些坎坷吧。 其实回想起来,那些曾经的心境,竟然是那样的珍贵,因为全部都是真心啊。