三月了 (w English)

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It is March, the month when the mountains used to turn green and flowers blooming. However, this year the scant rainfalls in winter and prolonged heat and drought deter the arrival of spring. 
When we drove out and ascended to the Top of the World yesterday, the mountains in front of us are still bare and bleak, with the withered branches and grass from last year dominating the sight. But looking closer, we know spring is in store.  The scattering new grass are shooting from the mud. Soon they will outgrow the old lifeless plants, carpeting the mountains with a new layer of lush green. Thanks to the two recent rainfalls last week, we are hopeful.
We saw Californian quails today, more than ten of them, one after another, coming out of bushes to search for the food on the roadside.  They must be of a family, with adult quails having bigger crowns and the young tiny ones.  We stood still across the road, holding our breath while our cameras were zooming and clicking.
Yesterday’s hiking was strenuous and short, a new route leading to the same destination.  Sweated, we climbed up the steep slope, breathing loudly and laboriously. Forty minutes later, we reached the top.  Looking down upon the zigzagging trails below, the vast stretch of placid azure sea on one side, and snow-capped mountains afar on the other, we felt rewarded.  How many times have we been here, to witness the glorious moments in the dawning sky, the stunning sunset in the dusk, and the beauty of broad daylight manifested in the sun and the breeze? And how many more times can I still come here in the future?
You may say, as many as you want.  Maybe, maybe not. A post by Meizi from Australia stirred something deep inside me. As a generation who waded through all the hardships, we are like sandwiches, having aged parents in our shoulders and a future new generation in our mind.  Perhaps these are the only few years that I can wholeheartedly own to myself, when I can loiter time online and over my blog, doing things at my free will.
Hopefully with the financial freedom we strive to achieve today, life can be better taken care of in the end.












暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
回复 '边走边看66' 的评论 : 边边好!是啊,气候反常,我们去年年底很暖和,现在倒是偏冷一些。希望你们那儿春天早日来临!什么时候让你看八字:)))祝边边周四好!
边走边看66 发表评论于
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
回复 '每天一讲' 的评论 : 一讲好! I take that as a compliment.不过,我哪有觉晓会写啊,她读的书比我多多了,还会写小说,比不了的,多谢多谢。嗯,这鹌鹑这么好看,哪会想起来吃啊:))汤圆其实有在买,LD爱吃的。谢谢一讲临博!
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
回复 'ziqiao123' 的评论 : 北加绿了,我们这里还没有呢。这周末再下场雨,山应该很快会绿了。真是怀念去年的春色。大山里就是鸟多些,其实只要是动物、植物,美的都喜欢:))
ziqiao123 发表评论于
暖冬喜欢拍鸟,我们这儿也下了几天雨,山都绿了, 花也开了。大自然,无论是花草还是动物,给我们带来身心愉悦。
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
回复 '风起云止' 的评论 : 风起好!纽约都被你逆得下雪了,你厉害着呢,改天写股市啊:))谢谢风起临博,谢谢夸赞,等着你的下一篇佳作啊!
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
回复 'GraceX' 的评论 : Grace好!是啊,我看到朋友圈里北加朋友post的,你们那儿的坡已经绿了,真羡慕。据说这个周末还会下雨,期待雨水啊,你懂的。谢谢Grace,改天跟你学唱歌。
风起云止 发表评论于
GraceX 发表评论于
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
回复 '亮亮妈妈' 的评论 : 亮亮妈妈好!对喔,看见过的,是不是你的博文上那次说用芝麻糊粉,还有我怎么没有想到用蜂蜜的。多谢亮亮妈指点,有空就去试试。祝好!
亮亮妈妈 发表评论于