对比商人老总的13个特质(英文对照见后),咱心平气和的来对个号 入个座。知道了剧情再看着就不那么揪心了。商人特质在先,归纳在后,就算戏说,不带偏见。
1. 凡事必是急“需”- 等不了,猴急猴急!外交?斡旋?对不起,没那耐心!“三胖你把裤裆里核蛋交出来!”“不交是吧?等着老子的 烈焰怒火!”。踢总在旁一劝架,老闯就火了 “早跟你说来文的不行,你还在那跟三胖 嘚不嘚 嘚不嘚,我看着都累!”“得了!你走人吧,我另请高明!”
2. 我是老大!你该我的!
科米:“虽然我有更崇高的忠诚,但我怎么说也有利于你过嘛,怎么过河拆桥,选上了一言不和就开人哪?! 我这么大个子,人人都会说‘那个傻大个叫总统开了’,不行!我咽不下这口气,得写本 ‘《更高的忠诚:事实、谎言与领导》(《A Higher Loyalty:Truth,Lies and Leadership》’更崇高的忠诚 - 闯贼!你这混混 骗子!舍得一身剐,要把闯王拉下马!”
3. 独立自理能力欠缺。不停的支使这个,吆喝那个。。。不停的走马灯,不停的擂人。“你被开了!”“你也被开了!”“还有你!”
4. 后悔药,沉湎于悲情往事。穆勒追得急,闯总也着急:“说我通俄,喜拉莉丢了那么多姨妹儿,没准都叫俄国人弄去了,你怎么不去找啊?!”
5. 喋喋不休。嘴不闲着。美国总统特朗普发推特还真是勤奋。“这年头有推特可太好玩了!我敲啥,它就播啥!”“谁还要电视台不选我的那帮老爷呀!”于是半夜三更 天不亮 凌晨起夜独自一人发推特 。。。“”
6. 难以满足, 吹毛求疵。为了让美国再次伟大,退出所有协议。。。下属刚说东,闯总就打脸“你说得不对!我们要走西!”
7. 爱激动,高分贝。“我要建北美长城,还要让劳模掏钱”“甭想再占我便宜,我要加关税了,都来进贡!”“他们搞政治迫害,抓我当女巫!”老骚先发了再说,以后再补救。
8. 永远戏剧性。兼见⑦
9. 不善理财,永远欠钱。听着熟悉?因为这就是商人时候的闯总。“我欠钱我破产是因为我精! 我不用贴毛都比猴子精。" 挺而走险,富贵险中求啊!玩砸了?制度是有利我这样的,没跟你说我精来着?
10. 煊耀物质财富。破产不重要,重要的是每个破产大楼都有我“闯破”的大名在屋顶。“美国小姐选美我赞助”“戴维营?”“太简陋了,我要住 马 拉歌庄园。。。”
11. 沉湎于匪疑所思的细节。【待考】
12. 永远不安分。安分?安分还能叫闯破吗?俺还码字干啥?
13. 蔑视权威。
还记得有联邦法官阻挠了 “禁穆令”?“这帮‘所谓’的法官,敢来管我。。。”
”国际条约 -- 什么条约?!从前那帮傻叉,叫人家给涮啦!
The 13 Traits of High Maintenance People:
1 -They have urgent "needs." To a high maintenance personality, everything is urgent. Every piece of email needs to be copied to someone in authority and every action needs to be passed by the boss before they proceed.
2 - They have a sense of entitlement. Everyone deserves to be treated with equal respect. The high maintenance individual will expect more. When this happens, there’s generally an unhealthy level of ego at play.
3 – They could be self-sufficient. But they’re not. The task could be as simple as looking up an email address, retrieving a file, or looking up a bit of needed information over the web. But this person feels more engaged and important by making continual requests for service from others, including the boss.
4 - They cling to stories of personal wrongs from the past. The high maintenance individual has a difficult time moving past real or imagined wrongs of the past. The faults of others become a script that plays over and over as justification for extra support, lower work expectations, or greater entitlements now.
5 - They talk. A lot. The high maintenance person thrives on attention. They have a continual need for others to serve as their sounding boards. While discussion and brainstorming is necessary and healthy, high maintenance people feel the need to use their co-workers as ad hoc life advisors and coaches; however they have little desire or motivation to actually hear and take the advice they receive. Mostly, they crave a listening ear.
6 - They are seldom satisfied. High maintenance people will see the flaws in every situation. Even when they’ve been given extra care and attention, they will invariably find something wrong with the solution or service they’ve received, or will feel the need to ask for an additional "adjustment" in order to gratify their need to feel validated and served.
7 - They are high-strung. Not all high-strung people are high maintenance. But the person with excessive needs will be persistently vocal and anxious about the things they require. Again – it’s a dependency you shouldn’t encourage or feed.
8 - They live in a state of perpetual drama. If you are around a high maintenance person for an extended period of time, you will observe frequent periods of meltdown during the course of the day. Every small inconvenience or mistake becomes a crisis. They will learn to work the internal HR system heavily at every turn.
9 - They handle money poorly. Regardless of the economy or circumstance, high maintenance people are perpetually in debt. No matter their income, their living expenditures and needs are invariably more. They expend an exceptional amount of stress and energy dealing with past due accounts and the perpetual juggling act to use this month’s income to cover last month’s bills.
10 - They place a high importance on material status. The entitlement aspect of high maintenance people leads them to be keenly focused on the belongings or the status of others as well. This trait can infect the highest people in the organization, such as the CEO who demands that every company event include the provision of free upgrades and presidential suites at no additional cost. Ironically, the focus on material possessions and status is actually the sign of insecurity and of a low self-esteem.
11 - They are obsessed with details--theirs and yours. They are highly focused on the too-much-information and none-of-your-business particulars of your life and also of theirs.
12 - They seem "unsettled." The high maintenance person is constantly ill at ease, buying, altering or discarding possessions and complaining about their work or living conditions. The details that are non-issues to others are insurmountable hurdles to them. Happiness perpetually evades them.
13 - They resent authority are often critical of others. It is extremely difficult for these individuals to respect authority or to see the bigger picture. Instead, they hold fast to their opinions of the support they need and the credit they should receive in order to fulfill their assignments. Passive aggressive behavior is paramount (undermining the boss by spreading unrest or ill will – often veiling the bad behavior in an aura of superiority or nobility).