“His parents prepared him for life with the bedrock values of farming: thoughtful preparation, hard work, personal integrity, and neighborly kindness. These values would serve him well throughout his life.” (大意:他的父母用农民的基本价值观以准备他的人生:深思熟虑的布局,刻苦的工作,个人的诚信和邻里般的友善。这些贯穿着他人生的价值观对他助益良多。)这话说得多好,几乎值得所有做父母的人借鉴,该文作者Tim Ley是现在精准医学的世界领袖。Korsmeyer只能读州立大学(UIUC),但是他45岁就是美国科学院院士。
说来也怪,Stanley Korsmeyer, Tim Ley和John Atkinson(阿肯森)这三位华大医学院的院士全是农民的后代,分别来自伊利诺、爱荷华和堪萨斯的农庄。Korsmeyer被哈佛用3-4千万美元挖去后,他有次回华大聊天时说出了一句广泛流传的话:“Harvard is Harvard, WashU. is WashU., WashU. is made by a bunch of farmers’ boys” (“哈佛就是哈佛,华大就是华大,华大是由一群农家男孩组成的”), 他似乎去哈佛见了洋广后就瞧不起农民的根了。Korsmeyer 的邻里般的友善在哈佛大放异彩,领导更加高产的实验室直到去世。我把上面留言放朋友圈后,从Korsmeyer实验室出来的现做美国研究型大学的系主任的华裔教授这样解释:“Korsmeyer 的意思应该不是看不起农民的孩子组成的Wash U. 反而是一种是“属于我们这种农民孩子的人”的骄傲感。My two cents[呲牙]”。据说Korsmeyer离开华大与华大专断般中止一位系主任的职位相关,他和好多有影响力的教授都抗议过。哈佛之前挖过Korsmeyer几次都没成功,那次凭虚而入成功将他说服到波士顿,其震憾效应曾经引起《圣路易斯邮迅报》发专文讨论。
回复 'kybluegrass' 的评论 : Dennis' passion had been switched from Immunology to here:): https://www.facebook.com/TeamPalestina/photos/a.198728623503045.49394.198580813517826/781875881854980/?type=1&theater
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : When I stated that, I explicitly pointed to other person's memorial article on him: "他以54岁英年早逝,纪念文章里还有存活的祖父Carl的名字, 令人唏嘘。". This is more than enough for a blog article.
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : This was the one in 1998, the year when he left WashU., so it's very clear that he was in the HHMI in his entire WashU. career:
Annu Rev Immunol. 1998;16:395-419.
BCL-2 family: regulators of cell death.
Chao DT1, Korsmeyer SJ.
Author information
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110, USA.
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'czhz' 的评论 : This was Korsmeyer's 1987 paper at JCI when he just joined WashU.:
J Clin Invest. 1987 Nov; 80(5): 1512–1515.
doi: 10.1172/JCI113235
PMCID: PMC442413
PMID: 3500184
Expression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-2-Ig fusion transcripts in normal and neoplastic cells.
W B Graninger, M Seto, B Boutain, P Goldman, and S J Korsmeyer
Department of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110.
1。关于你在祖父上的问题,在这里,你去查来源吧:“His beloved family survives Stan, including his wife of 25 years, Susan, and his sons Jason and Evan, his parents Willard and Carnell, sisters Lynn, Janet and Karen, and his grandfather Carl.”。健在确实更恰当,谢谢!
3。当年华大设立HHMI据说是内科系分管的,前院士内科主任David Kipnis(内分泌学家)负责的,当年把他们放在CSRB的10楼,他们全是MDs: Stanley Korsmeyer, Evan Sadler,Dennis Loh; John Atkinson; David Chaplin。他们应该是华大HHMI的首创会员,当时Kipnis要求的就是Physician-Scientist。
后来的华大HHMI也以MD居多(我只记得Helen P-W是纯PhD, 应该还有一位):Andy Chan; Andrey Shaw; Ken Murphy; Wayne Yokoyama;Dan Goldberg。HHMI全国范围、当然是PhD的天下,尤其是现在,当年的华大则大部分为MDs。
czhz 发表评论于
当时HHMI招聘的条件是拥有MD的科学家(没有核查过文件,但据我所知是必须要在medical school有appointment,primary or secondary, 还真没听说非要MD,相反,很多Ph.D.都是早期的HHMI,比如文中的Bob Horvitz 1988年就已经是HHMI了,只有Ph.D. Stanley Korsmeyer 是2000年入选HHMI的 http://www.hhmi.org/scientists/stanley-j-korsmeyer, 那一年不太可能有MD这一要求,因为那年周围好几个Ph.D.进了HHMI)