2017 2nd Car Accident (II)

I filed the report and didn't expect much. After the winter

holidays, I called the police once but their voice mail-box

was full. Too many accidents must have happened and this was

year-end. I had the patience and low expectation.

2018 came and then the Chinese New Year in mid Feburary. I

came back from the trip and got a message from the police

with the other party's insurance at AllState. (It turned out

we insured with the same company). With that information, I

filed the claim which lasted another month before the guy

finally admitted that he was at fault and his policy was to

pay. AllState asked for witness info twice during this process.

After the car was fixed, I texted Chris to thank him and

asked if I could buy him lunch. "Don't worry about thanking

me. It was the right thing to do," he texted back. "So you

don't want to hear the more exciting stories after the

incident?" "Lol. Thank you. OK."

So we met at the Iranian bakery of his choice. He was young

(early 30s, I think), stout, and about my height. Half

Armenian and half Iranian, he immigrated from Iran when he

was small. So, like me, he is a first-gen immigrant, which

made his sense of citizenship more impressive. According to

him, I could have sued for hit-and-ran damage for three

times the cost of my car repair.

We talked about this and that. The topics ranged from crazy

driving accidents we saw to self-driving cars. He told me

that he was at the moment testing Waymo, the Google and

AutoNation's self-driving car aiming to be the new taxi.

Inevitably, the discussion came to health. I commented

people like him speaking four languages would be immune from

degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's, at old age. He

worked at rich senior centers before and saw people in their

60s failing while many very active in their 80s.

I was hoping to learn about some exotic food as I didn't

remember having Iranian food before. But he liked pizza. He

looked like he could be much healthier but I refrained from

bring up the subject of diet. Looking back, I probably

should. Instead, I followed him and ordered the same

thing. We said keep-in-touch and I sincerely hope I would

have the chance to help him.

7grizzly 发表评论于
He might not be as lucky as he thought. I, with Chris's witness, came the next day with the police report and a couple of months later the insurance claim. Sincerely, I have too many more interesting things to do than to pursue him. I just hope he learns the lesson. It could be a bitter pill.

Thanks for sharing your experience with Geico. And sorry to hear about your accident. I think lying is harmful to the lier's own self. It's a self-disrespect from which he/she has to recover from.
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
That guy is lucky to get away. Hit-and-run is actually criminal. I switched out of Allstate this year to Geico, saving me about $300 for half a year insurance for 3 cars. I had a small incident right in the community last year, and the other party lied (we did not have the witness). The case was not settled. You are lucky and you are very nice.