JPMorgan Chase (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon lashed out at U.S. government policy during the company's quarterly earnings conference call on Friday.
在星期五的摩根大通公司季度财报电话会议期间 ,摩根大通CEO杰米·戴蒙猛烈抨击了美国政策。
'It's almost an embarrassment being an American citizen ... and listening to the stupid s--- we have to deal with in this country,' Dimon said.
Dimon was answering a question from UBS analyst Saul Martinez about whether political gridlock seemed likely to stunt the nation's economic growth. The CEO, regarded by many as the country's foremost banking executive, took it as a chance to deride U.S. policies,which he said are hindering faster expansion.
戴蒙回答了UBS(瑞银)分析师 Saul Martinez提出的美国政治僵局是否可能会阻碍国家经济增长的问题,戴蒙作为摩根大通CEO,被大多数人视为国家最重要的银行高管,他回答说这会阻碍经济更快的发展,并借此机会嘲笑了美国的政策。
'I was just in France. I recently in Argentina, was in Israel, was in Ireland. We met with the prime minister of India and China,' Dimon said. 'It's amazing to me that every single one of these countries understands that practical policies that promote business and growth is good for the average citizens of this countries, for jobs and wages, and that somehow, this great American free enterprise system, we no longer get it.'
'The American business sector is powerful and strong, and it's going to grow regardless,' he went on. 'What I'm saying is, it will be much stronger growth had we made intelligent decisions and we were not gridlocked.'
他继续说道:'美国的商业界是很强大的,不管怎样,经济都会成长。我的意思是说, 如果有更聪明的决定和更少的僵局,那将是更强劲的增长。“
Specifically, Dimon cited U.S. corporate tax rates and a lack of progress in modernizing the nation's roads, bridges, airports and other transportation infrastructure.
Some corporate chiefs have been pushing for a so-called tax holiday, something President Donald Trump has floated as a way to encourage companies with large overseas holdings to bring profits back into the U.S.
Many experts say letting U.S. multinationals repatriate their foreign profits is unlikely to spur economic growth. The last such holiday, in 2004, coincided with a large outflow of employment as corporations moved jobs to low-wage countries, federal data have shown.
JPMorgan Chase reported better-than-expected earnings last quart,er, at $1.71 per share. UBS' Martinez rated the stock a 'buy.'
摩根大通通报上一季的收益好于预期,每股收益1.71美元,瑞银分析师 Saul Martinez将摩根大通股票评级为“买入”。
YukonJack66 ? 18 hours ago +8
Dimon thinks our roads and bridges are crumbling, but wants a tax holiday. Guess he thinks you and I should pay for the tools he needs to make a profit.
Fares002 @YukonJack66 ? 18 hours ago
Didn't take an economics 101 class in college did you?
YukonJack66 @Fares002 ? 18 hours ago +4
Oh lecture me great one, where businesses don't need to pay for their means of production, which includes water, roads and skilled workers.
kateslate @Fares002 ? 18 hours ago +2
You sure didn't.
CryingLibsMakesMeHappy @Fares002 ? 17 hours ago
Fares002, don't try and explain math or economics to a liberal or a Democrat. They lack the intelligence to even understand what you're saying.
Fares002, 不要尝试向无政府主义者和民主党人解释数学或者经济,他们的智力很难理解你所说的。
LambChowder @Fares002 ? 17 hours ago
I see this consistently from conservatives, which makes me think they stopped at 101. Macroeconomics doesn't teach crap about fiscal policy or tax repatriation schemes. Maybe Liberty University, however...
janeric123 ? 21 hours ago +7
It seems that the CEOs like most business people mention helping the average worker. Then, just talk about corporate tax breaks. They already pay at a lower rate than I do. Some pay no taxes.Helpling the average person is just a talking point to make rich people look better.
cjs_cnet_xyz ? 6 hours ago +6
it is a shame the bank CEOs were not locked up for contriving the 2008 financial depression.
cometrecovery @cjs_cnet_xyz ? 2 hours ago
It is still hard to believe that no one went to jail. Think of the reality of losing your home like that.
RobertSertero @cjs_cnet_xyz ? 2 hours ago
It's a shame that corrupt politicians like the lying liberals are not locked up.
grumpas @RobertSertero ? 2 hours ago
It's a shame the lying conservatives are not locked up! They are the ones who have destroyed this country.
RobertSertero @grumpas ? an hour ago
How's that? Bet you cannot post a link to prove your comment. It has to be a verifiable and trustworthy source. No FAKE NEWs allowed. By doing so I will no longer consider you to be a lowlife lying liberal.
liberalgranny ? 17 hours ago +6
We're embarrassed too but because of having Trump as president and greedy CEO's who have no social conscience like you Dimon. Why don't you just retire to one of your many homes and count your money.
MJEA ? 17 hours ago +6
One should be proud to be an American citizen; never an embarrassment. What is an embarrassment for the USA is the current collection of sleazeball politicians (especially Trump) in charge. Not that we've never had any in the past, but the current administration ranks below swamp level.
markusopinion @MJEA ? 17 hours ago +4
We should definitely be embarrassed to have someone as mouthy and idiotic as Trump 'leading' the country.
MJEA @markusopinion ? 17 hours ago +4
Agreed. Embarrassed, disgusted and angry.
mc130ip ? 17 hours ago +6
Anyone who thinks making the rich - richer, will create jobs just doesn't read history much. Eight years of that idiot Reagan and his 'trickle down economics' proved that. There is absolutely none - zero - evidence that making rich people richer creates a single job.
JerroldV @mc130ip ? 17 hours ago
Stifling business doesn't create jobs either.
Quite a dilemma.
Macmensch @JerroldV ? 17 hours ago +6
German unemployment rate 3.9%
Go ask how it's done
2017is1984 @Macmensch ? 17 hours ago +4
I like that idea. And find out how the poor and elderly fare as well.
Macmensch @2017is1984 ? 17 hours ago +5
Universal Health Care.
Everybody pays according to their income.
Everybody is covered, including some dental.
2017is1984 @Macmensch ? 17 hours ago +4
That would be ideal here.
Macmensch @2017is1984 ? 17 hours ago +5
University is almost FREE, but hard to get in.
Vocational school is Free.
2017is1984 @Macmensch ? 17 hours ago +3
That's also great. Sounds like the Germans understand you have to give some to have a strong country. I hope Jamie Dimon reads your comments.
Macmensch @2017is1984 ? 17 hours ago +4
By vocational school I don't mean only simple stuff like brick laying. I was in a vocational school in Berlin for Graphic Design for three years. Not only was it free but I also got a stipend from the Government because I come from a single parent family and lived alone in Berlin while my family lived in Hamburg.
Won't happen in your country because you believe the communist devil is whispering in your ear.
markusopinion @Macmensch ? 17 hours ago +1
I have mentioned the benefits of their system for years, only to get put down every time I do. It's amazing that we can see a system that works fairly well, but still choose to repeat stupidity.
Macmensch @markusopinion ? 17 hours ago +1
Education will fix that, Germans are living proof of stupidity in THEIR history.
Now Germans are OUTLOCKING not navel gazing like my forefathers
markusopinion @Macmensch ? 17 hours ago
I like how the country abandoned fanatical nationalism as a whole. Most Germans can't stand it. It gets in the way of any progress.
Macmensch @markusopinion ? 17 hours ago +2
MOST is correct.
I don't live there any more but whenever I go back I still meet the remnants of yesterday, even in my own family.
Macmensch @Macmensch ? 17 hours ago +1
Nice talking to you, gotta go play badminton.
markusopinion @Macmensch ? 17 hours ago
Viel Spa?!!!
Viel 休闲健身中心?!!!
rktsci3127 @Macmensch ? 16 hours ago
Yes but it's a good study in paranoia.
2017is1984 @2017is1984 ? 17 hours ago +2
Also the disabled.
JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon says 'it's almost an embarrassment being American'
Mr Dimon's bank has been making record profits

Mr Dimon also called on the media to focus less on the the quarter-to-quarter changes in his business, and look at larger issues, such as infrastructure, the opioid epidemic, taxation and jobs.
“[The media] should be writing a lot more about that the stuff that is holding back and hurting average Americans. Who really cares about fixed-income trading in the last two weeks of June, I mean seriously,” he said.
He paid particular attention to the issue of infrastructure, comparing the US’s failure to invest, particularly when compared to the situation in other countries.
“I was just in France. I recently in Argentina, was in Israel, was in Ireland. We met with the prime minister of India and China,” said Mr Dimon.
“It’s amazing to me that every single one of these countries understands that practical policies that promote business and growth is good for the average citizens of this countries, for jobs and wages, and that somehow, this great American free enterprise system, we no longer get it.”
He added: “The American business sector is powerful and strong, and it’s going to grow regardless. What I’m saying is, it will be much stronger growth had we made intelligent decisions and we were not gridlocked.”
7月14日美国最大银行摩根大通首席执行官戴蒙Jamie Dimon在二季度财报电话会议上激烈批评美国的政策“伤害了普通美国人”。他说,自己刚刚去过以色列、法国、中国、印度,这些国家都认识到,务实的政策能够提振经济,而美国却陷在愚蠢的政治僵局中
Fox Shame
美国多家媒体7月15日报道,美国最大银行摩根大通首席执行官(CEO)戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)7月14日在二季度财报电话会议上批评称,美国如今的政策“伤害了普通美国人”,他说,自己刚刚去过以色列、法国、中国、印度等地,这些国家都认识到,基建、教育和税改政策能够增加企业活力,美国却陷在愚蠢的政治斗争中。
戴蒙建议记者多关注一些真正可能伤害美国普通人(average Americans)的“坏政策”,比如糟糕的基础设施建设,以及滥用鸦片类药物的问题。
他继续说:“金融危机结束8年以来,尽管白宫不断进行愚蠢的政治斗争,美国经济仍实现了1.5%到2%的增长,这是美国企业的贡献。我的意思是说, 如果有更聪明的决定和更少的僵局,那将是更强劲的增长。”