Aha, found a bug in wenxuecity. In my previous post, I used a left arrow followed by a hyphen and the post was cut off right there.
Here is my previous post:
Dig deeper, in etymology, Jazz comes from Jasm which comes from Jism which means semen. So J for that J*** could be from English.
So Jazz in the very beginning was indeed a dirty form of arts but now it was sanitized.
rty 发表评论于
Dig deeper, in etymology Jazz
rty 发表评论于
In an interview with NPR, musician Eubie Blake offered his recollections of the original slang connotations of the term, saying: "When Broadway picked it up, they called it 'J-A-Z-Z'. It wasn't called that. It was spelled 'J-A-S-S'. That was dirty, and if you knew what it was, you wouldn't say it in front of ladies."
What is wrong with liking something nice, somewhere with nice ambience? What is wrong with dating Caucasians? Jazz is fantastic! Jazz America's classical music.
"“你们知道Jazz一词的来历吗?愿意就是黑人文化中的酒、毒品、性的混合物,azz原文为ass就是女人的屁股,J嘛,就是男人的鸡`巴。” You are nothing but an ignorant moron.