假设,一个美国人把一部中国电视剧的台词节录下来,编辑出版一本汉语教学课本在美国出售,那么这种‘弘扬中国文化’之举是否可以呢?不可以,即便电视剧的制片人洋洋自得,美国的法律也不允许。美国有一个著名的案例(Castle Rock Entertainment, Inc. v. Carol Publishing Group Inc.),Carol Publishing Group将电视剧Seinfeld的剧情拿来汇集成趣味知识题,好比有人出一套趣味问答:白嘉轩是哪部作品里的人物?田小娥泡枣干什么?白灵是怎么死的……。最后法院判被告方侵权。
我刚才搜了一下‘在自己的Blog里Embed YouTube 里的视频是否牵涉侵犯版权的问题’,还真是个七八年前就开始讨论的问题。现在把这篇我认为解说比较全面的文章链接贴在下面,有兴趣的可以看看。
读文后,我个人理解YouTube是比较严格的网站,上面的东东大多数应该是public domain(图像已经属于公共)但也不排除有侵犯版权的作品,如有追究,首先应该追究的是侵犯版权的作者,而不是转载者。总之在自己的Blog里转载和Embed YouTube 里的视频也就是说还是有Risk的自己权衡利弊。如我自己,是愿意Take this risk,但我今后会把YouTube里的链接加上,以示对制作人的尊重。我把这些心仪的音乐放在我自己的Blog,就是为了方便我自己随时点开就听,如要付费,就付。不是说 "There is no such thing as a free lunch" , 以下是部分文章节录,
The youTube TOS states the following -
You also hereby grant each user of the Service a non-exclusive license to access your Content through the Service, and to use, reproduce, distribute, display and perform such Content as permitted through the functionality of the Service and under these Terms of Service. ~~ [youTube TOS part 6C]
This clearly states that the owner of the video grants you a limited license to embed the video simply by leaving the embed option on (which is part of the functionality of the YouTube Service).
However, you may reason that it is not probable for anyone to come after you in this case because they would probably go after the uploader of the youTube video first. This is probably true, but you would still know that it is stolen content, and if you have a God, He would know too.