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Study of Handwriting: Size and Self-Esteem
What is self-esteem? Human beings are perfect and happy upon birth. As we become aware of the environment, we build the idea of “how it should be” (pretty or ugly, good or bad, smart or dumb, among other qualities) we are not born with a self-esteem. Self-esteem builds up through experience from early age. Self-esteem is defined as the way to appreciate oneself, the importance and trust we grant ourselves. The fact that we feel satisfied with ourselves or a situation with an obtained result.

Study of Handwriting: Meaning of Sizes in Writing
There are people who have a high “self-esteem” and on the other hand some people have a pretty low one. Excessive self-esteem may induce these individuals to be exposed to high risks in life (they feel invincible). Low self-esteem provokes difficulties in social and affective life due to lack of trust.
Graphology: Size of Handwriting
Study of handwriting is called Graphology. It’s a technique that reveals the traits of personality of the writer. The dimension is the graphical aspect that analyzes the size of writing that, by the way, from a graphological point of view, is more than relevant. We shall dedicate this article to the meaning of the sizes of writing. Through the detailed study of the size or dimension of letters, we determine the self-esteem of the individual, the way he faces life and the energy he dedicates to the projects he starts. If the individual is inhibited or succumbed upon impulses, if he expresses his desire and needs freely or draws back his tendencies. The degree of introversion and extroversion.
The size of the letters measures height and width of capital and lowercase. Also, through the study of dimension, we analyze the existing relationship between capital letters and lowercase, the length of upper extensions and lower extensions, and the proportion of all the strokes. The inferiority complex is discovered compensated in the size of capital letters.
Study of handwriting: Those who use graphology for personnel selection take advantage of writing size when it comes to finding out types of intelligence. Whether the individual has ability for synthesis or analysis, whether he tends to generalize or pays attention to detail, among others. When writing is too big, we are before an individual that has problems for concentrating in details and that overvalues his qualities. The size of the letters contributes with information in the emotional balance of the individual. Small writing indicates great skills for details, but lack of panoramic vision for situations.
How are letters measured?
Study of handwriting. It is important to measure all the elements of a piece of writing, capital letters, middle area, upper extensions and lower extensions.

Study of Handwriting: Self -Esteem in Writing and size
- Middle area (ovals): There are two ways of measuring dimension in writing. We can measure one at a time in millimeters, following the inclination of each letter, or the other way is to draw two lines. An inferior one, where most of the letters rest, and a superior one. Upon measuring the distance between the two lines, this will provide an approximate measure of the size of writing. This latter method is less precise, but faster.
- Upper extensions: Upper extensions are the superior parts of letters b, d, f, h, j, l, ll, and t. They are measured the same way as ovals, according to the inclination of the letter, following the central edge.
- Lower extensions: They are the inferior parts of the letters that go from the middle area towards the bottom in letters f, g, j, p, q, y, z, they are measured following the same instructions than the previous ones.
- Capital letters: Capital letters are fully measured, from the upper stroke to the lowest one.
- Measuring width: We consider the ovals in the letters that have them (in the case of letter “m” we consider two ovals).
How many letters should we measure? According to the extension of the obtained sample and the degree of precision of the report to be delivered we shall measure between 10 and 30, procuring that the selection is as random as possible.
In a balanced and healthy personality, it is expected that the writing has a moderate height and extension, according to the following measures:
- Height of the body of lowercase letters (we consider a, e, i, o) is between 2.5 and 3.5 millimeters.
- Upper extensions and lower extensions: between 9 and 11 millimeters.
- Width: we consider 80% of the height of a given writing.
- Capital letters: height between 9 and 11 millimeters and a width of 80%.
What does writing too big mean?
Very large writing

Study of Writing: Large writing
Study of handwriting. When letters are over 4.5 millimeters, we are before a very large writing. This kind of person over-values himself, may compensate inferiority complexes showing the opposite. Tendencies of vanity, pride and excessive self-esteem that may become megalomania. Individual with a great global vision, expansive, who has difficulties interiorizing experiences and concentrating in specific details.
Read also: Uncover personality in writing
What does Large Handwriting mean?
Study of handwriting. When the middle area of the writing is over 3 millimeters, we say it is large. Personalities with great skills for communication, extroversion, physical dynamism, vitality sociability and generosity. The aye expressive individuals who look forward to connecting to others, optimistic, and they are not characterized for being too reflexive (first they do, then they think), self-confident, who trust their own value. Ability for command and suitable for management positions, they have excellent panoramic vision of situations and an elevated self-concept. On the negative side, large writing means that we are before an arrogant person, conceited, haughty, who needs to exhibit compliments and recognitions, tyrant tendencies, exhibitionist and phony personality that may become megalomaniac with lack of a critical sense.
The insecurity and inferiority complex and lack of self-esteem may be compensated with a large writing.
When the signature is larger than the text, this reflects pride, consciousness of self-value and on the negative side it shows the individual has more ambitions than real possibilities.

Study of Handwriting: Meaning of Sizes in Writing
What does Medium Handwriting mean?
It is intermediate or medium when it is between 2.5 and 3.5 millimeters. It adjusts to the module. Those who write in that size are individuals with a great emotional balance, who see themselves the way they are. Their self-concept is intermediate, are able to perceive details and also “the big picture”. They are spontaneous, sociable, of intermediate aspirations, balanced in intro and extroversion. They adjust to the environment, they can develop in management positions as well as in subordinate ones. They analyze situations before they act.
What does Small Handwriting mean?
Small Handwriting: Sign of Intelligence?

Study of Handwriting: Small Writing
Study of handwriting. When the average body of writing is between 1.5 and 2.5 millimeters, it is considered small writing. This kind of writing reveals introverted individuals, withdrawn, not spontaneous, routine-like, who enjoy home life and withdraw themselves towards their interior. They are observant, with a great capacity for concentration, synthesis and critic. They are quiet and wish to be unnoticed, detailed, meticulous, simple and docile. At work, they allow to be conducted and have a tendency for specialization. Individuals who may not be very selfless, saving, lacking generosity, with a sense for economy and practical utility.
On the negative side, they may manifest shyness, doubts, fears, pessimism, discouragement, lack of trust that translates into difficulty to understand and assimilate greater purposes. People who are so into details and meticulous are impressed by meaningless things that do not matter. We need to rule out that the diminishing of writing is not due to accidents like fatigue, cold, short-sightedness and lack of paper.
Micrographia (handwriting)
When the writing is smaller than 1.5 – 1 millimeters, it is calles micrographic writing. What does writing small mean? Micrographia is a very small writing, which is reflecting great predisposition for observation and attention to details. They are very meticulous individuals who act according to theirperception of the environment from the rational and reflection. They think so much that they do little or what they do is done very slowly. They stand out due to their excessive ability for analysis of situations, what makes decision making and problem resolution late. (Exception in prescence and shape of dynamic letters and not monotonous). They are self-demanding and they fear failure. They are conservative and they have a hard time trying to innovate. They are not very tolerant before frustration, since they revise situations exhaustively in order to feel peace of mind and satisfied with the task. They have good memory and capacity for attention. They have a hard time trying to perform several tasks at the same time. They need to finish a topic in order to start another one. They seek precision, perfection without leaving any detail to luck or leaving loose ends. Micrographia is seen in 9 to 75% of Parkinson’s disease patients and often appears before other cognitive symptoms.
What does writing taller than wider mean?
Overelevated writing

Study of writing: Overelevated and lowered writing
Study of handwriting. When disproportioned elevations are observed in some letters or parts of them, the writing is called overelevated. It is only seen in capital letters and in some parts of letters or dots, in “t” bars, upper extensions and lower extensions (tall and long with an accented vertical sense). This is typical in people that value themselves so muchthat feel superior to others, proud and conceited. They have fantasies of greatness and superiority. This is a movement towards the superior area, that is why it is interpreted as idealism and creativity, as long as it is verified with the graphical context. It also indicates sense of honor and spiritual ambition. Depending on how overelevated the writing is, we shall interpret the degree of self-esteem and pride in that person.
Lowered writing
This is the opposite case to overelevated writing. The writing is wider than taller, prevailing the middle area of each letter. It is also seen in lowercase letters. It expresses a feeling of oppression before adversities. Those who write in lowered writing are individuals with a criteria for reality, practical, simple, submissive and shy. They have little initiative and are hard to motivate. The lower extensions are tall if they are over three times the size of the oval in the middle area of the writing and symbolyze a high self-esteem, resistence and great creativity and imagination.
Upper extensions are short when they are smaller than twice the middle area ans are long when they are over three times the size of the oval. The dimension of the lower extensions are related to the instinctive world. Within the world of instincts sensuality, economy, material and practical matters of life are included.
What does writing tall and low mean?
Tall writing
Study of handwriting. It is called tall writing when the letters of a writing are taller that wide. Ovals are measured objectively. The height and the width. We must not mistake this with overelevated writing, in which disproportions appear only in some parts of letters (like in capital letters, dots and “t” bars. Vanity, need for independence, aspirations to live in a more socially elevated world, pride.
Low writing
Here are the letters that are in the middle area, that are wider than tall. Dots, bars, accents are low. Lower exensions are normal and excessive. They differ from lowered writing in the fact that the lower extensions and upper extensions are shortened. We must not mistake this with extensive writing. Poor aspirations, incapacity to stir up against others’ demands.

Study of Handwriting: Meaning of Low writing
What does increasing and decreasing writing mean?
Decreasing writing

Study of handwriting: Increasing and decreasing writing
On the contrary, in this case letter diminish their size along words. Since writing goes from left to right (from me to you) and becomes smaller, it is symbolically introduced to the other. It is observed in prudent individuals, with a critical analysis of situations, ability for reflection and observation, distrust. They need to get to the bottom of situations. With empathy to convince and persuade.
Increasing writing
In this case, the size of letters is incremented along the text, the line, the paragraph or the word. They do not have the abilities of the prior case. Self-confident individuals, optimistic, spontaneous, with a certain tendency to ingenuity and a great ability for astonishment. It is hard to connect with others.
Regular and irregular writing

Study of writing: Extended writing
- Regular writing: eveness is appreciated when we do not see great changes in the height of letters. Logics, equilibrium, order, reflection, perseverance and persistance prevail. Good adjustment to the environment, fidelity. Ability for concentration, self-control. The same psychological characteristic, if excessive, may fall into routine, monotony and the individual may consider dangerous everything that puts him “away” from his habits.
- Irregular writing: it presents great variations along the writing. It is typical of versatile individuals, who easily catch the environment that surrounds them, very emotional, receptive, intuitive, sensitive, with a clear insecurity and emotional instability. Predominance of feelings over reason, ability perform several tasks at the same time. Order and concentration are less important.
- Size increase writing: along the text, we see some letter that draws our attention, without keeping rhythm at all. It symbolizes bad mood that may turn into violence. Irritability, temporary loss of control of situations.
What does exetnded writing mean? - Extended writing: letters are wider than tall, they stretch out horizontally, they may resemble to filiform writing, there is a great space between letters in one word. It is interpreted as expansion, it is the extroverted of Jung, need for contact with others, need for becoming the center of attention, spontaneity, self-confidence, imagination, memory, generosity, sociability. On the negative side: Related to waste of money and time, lack of modesty, exhibitionism.
What does tight writing mean?
Tight writing: In this case there is little space between letters in the same word. On the contrary , this type of writing is related to reflexive people with abiliity for concentration. Insecure, shy, prudent. Like in all cases, if the same quality is excessive, may cause regression, austerity, loneliness and pessimism.
Restrained writing: this type of writing draws back the movement towards the right. It means reflection, fear, need for saving, introversion, difficulty to establish relationships or friendship. Abstract thoughts prevail.
Rushed writing: it is impulsed at the end of letters, “t” bars, towards the right and the upwards. Instincts prevail over reason.Tendency to impatience and irritability. Extraversion. Changing and instable relationships.
Shifted writing: altered graphism due to unnecessary moves. Assotiated to quickness or speed of strokes. Thoughts are influenced by imagination. Activity, dynamism, impulsiveness. Sociability, instable bonds.
Sober writing: Simple, proportioned strokes, without unnecessary decorations. Thoughts are influenced by reason. Associated to writing: clear, contained, simplified and proportioned. (opposed to: rushed, shifted, increasing, disproportioned writing). Objectivity and mental clarity. Shyness, austerity. Affective maturity and stabel bonds.
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You can find more examples in our original website in spanish www.grafologiaypersonalidad.com
Translation: Ulises Ibarguren

.@RJonesUX I didn't believe in graphology until about three minutes ago.
J.K. Rowling takes aim at Donald Trump's massive signature on Twitter

Why? Why is his signature so big? Why, god, why?
Gilderoy Lockhart @MagicalLockhart
One could use my signature as an example of proper size and style.pic.twitter.com/NyMHTcef8B

- Here’s how she signs. EXACTLY the same.pic.twitter.com/dkfU9Eha5F