每一所大学都不是一天就变得伟大。有很多伟人在她的历史上打下烙印。诺贝尔物理学奖得主欧内斯特·劳伦斯在此发明了回旋加速器,并建立了美国顶级国家实验室劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室。二战时伯克利的物理学家Julius Robert Oppenheimer(奥本海默)在1942年成为曼哈顿计划(Manhattan Project)的领袖科学家。这些都为伯克利的物理学的人才和实验室管理打下了基础。
Clark Kerr可以说是伯克利最有名的校长之一。1950年代,他和州长Pat Brown,加州立法机构一起通过发行债卷和税收,使得加大能够聘请顶尖教师,并得以扩充。
化学元素周期表上有多个元素:Berkelium (伯克利元素), Californium Cf(加尼福尼亚元素), and Lawrencium Lr (劳伦斯元素)就是伯克利的科学家以工作所在地命名的元素名。
University of California – Berkeley,University of Michigan - Ann Arbor,University of Virginia,College of William & Mary,University of California - Los Angeles,University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill,University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign,University of Maryland - College Park,University of Florida,University of Washington – Seattle,University of Texas – Austin,University of Wisconsin – Madison,University of California - San Diego,University of California - Santa Barbara,Georgia Institute of Technology
Nerds 发表评论于
美国顶尖公立大学 (Military之外)
University of California – Berkeley, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, University of Virginia,College of William & Mary,University of California - Los Angeles,University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill,University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign,University of Maryland - College Park,University of Florida,University of Washington – Seattle,University of Texas – Austin,University of Wisconsin – Madison,University of California - San Diego,University of California - Santa Barbara,Georgia Institute of Technology
平均来说,1) UCB (还有UCLA 等等)的州内新生也是横优秀的,2)很多不错的学生只能去名气不那么大的UC,外州公立名校,和一些好的,但不那么顶尖的私立,3)再就是加州州立系统的大学(California State University)。4)至于社区学院,就是那批没去这些State University 的。当然包括一些准备转学的。这是为高中后进取生提供另一个机会。另一方面,如果转学的进入UCB太多,2), 3) 类的学生和家长会觉得不公。
2017 2016
*Based on Office of Undergraduate Admissions freshman data as of 10/2017.
Applications Admits % Applications Admits %
Total: Freshman 85,054 15,567 18.3% 82,573 14,433 17.5%
CA Resident Out-of-State International
*Based on Office of Undergraduate Admissions freshman data as of 10/2017.
Admits/Apps 9,715/ 49,280 4,490 / 20,326 1,362 / 15,448
Admit Rate 19.7% 22.1% 8.8%
Avg. GPA Apps 3.64 3.75 3.73
Avg. GPA Admit 3.91 3.92 3.93
Avg. SAT Apps 1232 1373 1391
Avg. SAT Admit 1334 1449 1455
Avg. ACT Apps 28 31 31
Avg. ACT Admit 31 33 33
* Based on Office of Undergraduate Admissions data; enrollment estimate as of 07/2017.
College GPA 3.68-3.94
2017 2016
*Based on Office of Undergraduate Admissions freshman data as of 08/2017.
Applications Admits % Applications Admits %
Total: Transfers 18,607 4,615 24.8% 19,142 4,632 24.2%
For more detail, see Undergraduate Graduation Rates. Graduation timeframes are elapsed time, not enrolled time; Spring and Summer graduations are grouped together in this data.
For more detail, see Undergraduate Graduation Rates. Graduation timeframes are elapsed time, not enrolled time; Spring and Summer graduations are grouped together in this data.
2017-18 Undergraduate Admissions
Freshman Applicants
Applied 85,057
Admitted 15,491
Statement of Intent to Register 6,602
Transfer Applicants
Applied 18,609
Admitted 4,755
Statement of Intent to Register 2,982
Applied 103,666
Statement of Intent to Register 9,584
This data represents final fall+spring totals at the end of each annual undergraduate admissions cycle. It may therefore differ slightly from other numbers published earlier in the year.
This is a snapshot of the admitted transfer students for fall 2016.
Please be cautious in drawing conclusions from this information. Use it as a general guide to selectivity and not as a predictor of your chance for admission to UC Berkeley.
Admit rate
93% of admitted transfer students were from California community colleges.