
刚才我和我老公一边吃晚饭, 一边看TV. TV里有个民主党的候选人说 "I am a rhodes scholar, blah blah, please vote for me"

我说“ He is a rhodes scholar, that means he is very smart”

我老公说 “No, that means he got his education from the roads”

gzlady 发表评论于
回复 'dongniya' 的评论 : 多谢, 因为 Rhodes 和 Roads 同音, 所以他开这个玩笑。 作为Rhodes Scholar 是很高的荣誉的, Rhodes Scholarship "is widely considered to be one of the world's most prestigious scholarships" (Referenced from Wiki)。 比如 Bill Clinton 就是1968年的 Rhodes Scholar.
dongniya 发表评论于