Beautiful Money

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The four L's

  1. leadership
  • results
  • boundaries
  • goal setting mastery
  • time management
  • visionary process
  • personality pair-up
  • action+allowing
  1. leverage
  • study wealth
  • passive income streams
  • how to leverage yourself
  • doing more with less
  • setting yourself up to thrive
  • avoiding adrenal fatigue
  • why your health needs leverage
  1. legacy
  • tax strategies
  • insurance plans
  • investments
  • cash flow
  • beautiful money map
  • money management
  • wealth planning
  • kids, families, and money
  1. love
  • creativity
  • purpose
  • core values
  • meaning
  • fulfilment
  • contribution
  • intuition
  • self-esteem
  • faith
Additional reading/resource

Favorite Affirmation

  • God is in me and I can do all things through Christ in me who strengthens me
  • God is for me and who can be against me? I fear no people. Heaven and earth make a way for me to arise and shine
  • God is with me and I have everything I need to prosper. I'm one with God and all things work together for my good
  • Everyday in every way, I become better and better
  • My talents, skills, experiences and personality are in great demand. The perfect opportunities for me to make the maximum contribution to well-beings of all human are looking for me and we are bringing together today
  • Today is another day Lord has made. Let us rejoyce and be glad in it.
  • Today money is flowing to me under grace in perfect way
  • I have a wonderful job in wonderful way for wonderful pay
  • I have a wonderful side online business to serve wonderful clients for wonderful pay
  • I have a beautiful body, a wise mind, a kind heart, and an upright spirit.
  • The righteousness of God makes me holy and whole
  • I always align how I spend my time with what is most precious and important to me
  • I have more than enough time to get everything done
  • I fall asleep tonight with a deep feeling of gratitude for all I have and all that is on its way
  • Each and every night, I sleep wealthy
  • I nurture my body, mind, and soul with excellence
  • I am in the most abundant and healthy state of my life
  • I am mindful that I will see it when I believe it
  • I am healthy, weathy, and free
  • I'm free to serve, to love and to share
  • I co-create with God and bring heaven upon earth
  • Both awake and asleep, I am a magnet for money
  • I make more money than ever before, doing what I love
  • I soar to my success by helping everyone around me soar to their success
  • I am worthy of wealth, health, love connection and self-actualization
  • Life fource is my money magnet
  • I commit to excellence every day
  • Love and kindness are my inheritance from God
  • I'm ready for greatness
  • I'm open to new possiblities, enlightment, and higher level of abundance
  • My creativity, compassion and clarity will bring my great wealth
  • I focus all my attention and energy on what I truly desire
  • I am a visionary. I start with the perfect end in mind
  • I am patient, kind, and powerful
  • I consciously design my life today
  • I make subtle shifts today that will result in great-ness tomorrow
  • I choose love over fear
  • Love waits for me at every corner
  • Everything works together for me. All is well
  • I love myself, I love my life, I love my creation
  • I send good will to everyone and receive the fullness of God's blessings
  • I say yes to aligning with beautiful, abundant, joyful and holistic wealth
  • My body knows exactly what to do to keep fit. My intuition knows what to do to be a great service to the multitude. My mind knows what's the best action to take now
  • I am the true image of God and I'm the radiating glory of God.
  • I'm moving to my promise land, my sweet spot and my kingdom of mastery and prosperty
  • In God, I live, I move and I have my being
  • I always speak my truth. I no longer settle for anything less
  • Beauty, abundance, and power flow to me under grace in perfect way
