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  • I always work for people who respect me and pay me well
  • I always have wonderful bosses
  • I get along with all my coworkers in an atmosphere of mutual respect
  • Everyone at work loves me
  • I always attract the nicest customers and they are a joy to serve
  • My workspace is a pleasure to be in
  • I love the beauty that surrounds me at work it is a pleasure to come to work
  • I love the nice safe neighborhood
  • It is easy for me to find jobs
  • Work always comes my way when I wanted
  • I always give a hundred percent at work and it is greatly appreciated
  • Promotions come to me easily
  • My income is constantly increasing
  • My business is expanding beyond my expectations
  • I attract more business than I can handle
  • There is plenty for everyone including myself
  • My work is fulfilling and satisfying
  • I am happy in my work
  • I have a great career
  • I am safe in the business world
  • I know that the thoughts in my mind have everything to do with my working conditions so I consciously choose my thoughts
  • My thoughts are supportive and positive
  • I choose prosperity thinking therefore I am prosperous
  • I choose harmonious thoughts therefore I work in a harmonious atmosphere
  • I love getting up in the morning knowing that I have important work to do today
  • I have challenging work that is deeply fulfilling my heart glows with pride when I think of the work that I do
  • I am always employed always productive
  • Life is good and so it is