eyes/ears, just simulation

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Historical landmarks, George Orwell's 1984: “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command"

The Matrix, movie, told you that "the evidence of your eyes and ears is just simulation of neuronal activity - not real - What? So, what's real?

You're tricked to believe in ?

  1. ** 
  1. A Beijing train station that once belonged to China's earliest engineering feats of the modern era has been saved (for now) from the wrecking ball, one of the few survivors of citywide urban rejuvenation that has demolished hundreds of buildings.