美国的问题不是政治的问题,而是文化的问题。川普属于非主流文化选举出来的总统,这就是悲剧所在。没有这次出钱封嘴事件,也会有其他事件等着弹劾他。如果我说,连共和党建制派精英都在等着这样的机会,你会信吗?昨晚,我就在Lincoln Club 里面,亲口听到几个人幸灾乐祸。自己google 一下 Lincoln club 是什么性质的团体作者一剑飘尘。
Left will definitely try to impeach Trump but will never succeed:
1. No one President in US history have ever been successfully removed from office by impeachment.
2. It requires a simple majority in the House and 2/3 in Senate to say YES to impeach a President. So it's almost impossible to remove Trump out off office even Democrats win the mid term election.
Forliberty99 发表评论于
Support President Trump.
If left radicals impeach Trump successfully with false claims, then they will have to fight Trump supporters on the street.
East Germany would have been the best country for you to move to. Now that it is defunct, North Korea is the best place for you now. Move there fast, before Kim Jun Il makes it into a capitalistic one.
eRandom 发表评论于
文取心 发表评论于
楼下的 HCC, 搬到芝加哥的西南区去吧,那儿不但有奥巴马的大幅画像,还实践着奥巴马的政治理念。
HCC 发表评论于
No, Obama did not wiretap Trump. Please, read.
Justice Department affirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump
To be honest, this guy himself is indeed a trash, porn stars, prostitutes, he played them all. He betrayed many of his friends, and it is no doubt, that his so-called friends would betray him. Sad to see a country would elect an erratic, paranoid, old f**t to be the president.