中国现在成了博士的王国,在2007年中国就超过美国成为世界第一,有人预测未来百年中国永远都会是世界制造博士的冠军。我们现在看见的中国博士灌水后的现象是什么呢?那就是现在出来的大部分中国大陆博士,赶不上80-90年代出来的医学本科生,中国这博士还有任何必要读吗?在我看来,在现在的中国大学世风下,本科阶段,如果能读University of Wisconsin, Madison; UIUC; University of Colorado, Boulder; University of Iowa, Iowa City或University of Missouri, Columbia等美国州立大学,都好过清华和北大, 成为胡鞍钢的学生是人生的耻辱。朋友告诉我,一所国内的高校可以在十年左右的时间里,从3,000名学生扩招到50,000, 这要吓死你。
美国总统竞选时,天朝水军overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump,天朝公关的钱白花了。我们在隔洋观看时,觉得中国似乎完全沒有政治科学出身的智囊,现在看来中国有胡鞍钢这样的智囊比没有智囊更可怕。在沒有成军的航母的条件下,他可以把中国骗到千里之外的南海去激怒西方强国和周围的所有国家。还是回到我的本科学历代表智力水准的观点,清华校友重点强调胡鞍钢是唐山工学院本科、北京科技大学硕士和中科院自动化所的博士。我和同学讨论胡鞍钢时,他认定胡毕业于三本院校,果然如此,这也印证了“我长期说过,本科文凭部分代表你的智力水平,研究生学历代表你努力的程度,两者都重要。”
nightrider 2018-08-05 14:53:31 "等美国州立大学,都好过清华和北大." implies that these state universities are considered inferior in the ranking, and in the same league that can be compared with 清华和北大, even though the former is better than the latter. That implies that the discrepancy in quality is small.
In TsingHua university, Mr Hu just got top professor title in social science,he is one of 18 professors who got that title, so people have to respect him.
但是我们的世界,可能不是我们大部分人所认为的那个世界。中国的确有可能成为世界的霸主(对的,超越美国)。原因可能是”上天注定)的,我在我关于龙的博文中简单提到了这个可能性。今天我刚好看到了爱因斯坦说过的一句话:The more I study science, the more I believe in God. 当然以前也听说过历史上很多注名科学家晚期信神的说法。
Do you need a bar of soap to wash out your foul mouth? Do you need a Chinese reading comprehension lesson to understand the subtlety in a Chinese statement? Apparently you do. Here it goes.
"等美国州立大学,都好过清华和北大." implies that these state universities are considered inferior in the ranking, and in the same league that can be compared with 清华和北大, even though the former is better than the latter. That implies that the discrepancy in quality is small. My statement is that that is not true, and that the discrepancy is huge and the former and the latter are not even in the same league to be worthy of comparison. How is that "exactly what the article said" as you have proclaimed? If it is still not clear, here is another example to make it so for you. Would you consider the following statement laughable? Einstein 都好过 czhz in intelligence.
czhz 发表评论于
nightrider 发表评论于 2018-08-05 12:29:40 University of Wisconsin, Madison; UIUC; University of Colorado, Boulder are top notch schools. They are in a WAY better and higher league than that of 清华和北大.
that was exactly what the article eaid, so what the hell you try to say?
I agree with your article. But there is a minor inaccuracy:
University of Wisconsin, Madison; UIUC; University of Colorado, Boulder are top notch schools. They are in a WAY better and higher league than that of 清华和北大.