竖向森林,米兰,意大利 Vertical Forest, Milan, Italy 总建筑面积:40,000平方米 完工: 2008年-2013年 预算造价:65.000.000,00欧元 摄影:Boeri Studio (共9张图片) All images and English text courtesy of Boeri Studio. 简介:米兰建筑师Stefano Boeri的事务所,创造了“竖向森林”-大都市造林的当代欧洲城市建设模式。这种构思基于最低限度扩展城市用地,建立一种竖向的优化,调理和再生能源的系统。“竖向森林”意在都市环境中创造出过滤灰尘颗粒的微气候,多样化的植物产生湿度,吸收二氧化碳和灰尘颗粒,产生氧气,防止辐射和声学污染,提高产品质量的生活空间和节约能源。 第一期的两幢公寓大厦,110米和76米高将在Isola区域附近的米兰市中心成为现实,除各类灌木和花卉植物外,900 棵3,6或9m高的树将植被于此,总植被数量相当于10.000平方米森林面积。 Boeri Studio 原文: (需要中文翻译的读者,请联系我们) TheVertical Forest project aims to build high-density tower blocks with treeswithin the city. The first example of a Vertical Forest is currently underconstruction in Milan in Porta Nuova Isola area, part of a larger redevelopmentproject developed by Hines Italia with two towers which are 80 metres and 112metres tall respectively, and which will be able to hold 480 big and mediumsize trees, 250 small size trees, 11.000 groundcover plants and 5.000 shrubs(the equivalent of a hectare of forest).The Vertical Forest has at its heart anconcept of architecture which demineralises urban areas and uses the changingshape and form of leaves for its facades, and thus which hands over tovegetation itself the task of absorbing the dust in the air, and of creating anadequate micro-climate in order to filter out the sunlight. This is a kind ofbiological architecture which refuses to adopt a strictly technological andmechanical approach to environmental sustainability. biological habitats Vertical Forestincreases biodiversity. It helps to set up an urban ecosystem where differentkinds of vegetation create a vertical environment which can also be colonisedby birds and insects, and thus becomes both a magnet for and a symbol of thespontaneous recolonisation of the city by vegetation and by animal life. Thecreation of a number of vertical forests in the city will be able to create anetwork of environmental corridors which will give life to the main parks inthe city, bringing the green space of avenues and gardens and connectingvarious spaces of spontaneous vegetation growth. mitigations Vertical Forest helps tobuild a micro-climate and to filter dust particles which are present in theurban environment. The diversity of the plants helps to create humidity, andabsorb CO2 and dust, produces oxygen, protects people and houses from the sunsrays and from acoustic pollution. anti-sprawl Vertical Forest is ananti-sprawl measure which aims to control and reduce urban expansion. If wethink of them in terms of urban densification, each tower of the VerticalForest is equivalent to an area of urban sprawl of family houses and buildingsof up to 50,000 square metres. trees are a key element inunderstanding architectural projects and garden systems. In this case thechoice of the types of trees was made to fit with their positioning on thefacades and in terms of their height, and took two years to conclude alongsidea group of botanists. The plants used in this project will be grownspecifically for this purpose and will be pre-cultivated. Over this periodthese plants slowly got used to the conditions they will be placed in on thebuilding. ecology billboards Vertical Forest is alandmark in the city which is able to release new kinds of variable landscapeswhich can change their form in each season depending on the types of plantsinvolved. The vertical forests will offer a changing view of the metropolitancity below. management the management of thetrees' pots is under building regulation, as well as the upkeep of the greeneryand the number of plants for each pot. irrigation in order to understandthe need for water the plan for these buildings took into account thedistribution of plants across various floors and their positioning. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (完) |