杂读心宽天地广, 时境随心瞎折腾
阅读别人幸福,常反倒影自己的小不幸; 而阅读别人不幸福,常反倒影自己的小确幸 - 忽而嘴角抿浅浅会心一笑:似乎人生还是公平的。
This morning, I've been shocked to read three things at the same time: (1) 梁宗岱, (2) 0084lx, (3) "博客毕竟是自个儿的家,怎么高兴怎么折腾" - all reminded me of my past encounter, old friends, old topics, and my old philosophy - 随心、随性、随时、随情、 随人、随境、随理、随你、随我、随她、(This Google translation is really amazing, out of surprise! Free, casual, at any time, with emotion, with people, with the environment, with the rational, with you, with me, with her,)