
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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My thought: Only a few being called "great" in history. Human beings created being flaws: You're great in a small aspect while flaw in other aspects. Lucky, if you got some major lead. If you don't, that's normal. In saying, he's a good man, you got set up the boundary and conditions.

學者楊天石,大陸研究蔣介石“第一人”,今年82歲高齡,也是全世界第一個看到蔣介石57年日記全部原件的人。他從2008年開始,歷時10年完成一套“揭露真實蔣介石”的書,僅去國外手抄資料就用了4年。他說,“這是我去見上帝之前必須要完成的工作。”#蔣介石 #學者

Yang Tianshi is one of the top scholars in Chinese mainland studying Chiang Kai-shek. Aged 82, he’s also the first one across the world to read all the manuscripts of Chiang’s diaries of 57 years. Since 2008, he spent 10 years writing a series of books to “unveil the real Chiang Kai-shek”. Only transcribing the material took him 4 years.“ This is the work I have to finish before I leave this world,” as he says.

