川普的发言简单易懂,情绪丰富、充满活力、没有政客的虚伪。主流媒体的精英们说他不学无术,甚至不曾读完一本完整的书,可是他的演讲能力不输给那些精英们。上面这个视频中,川普的一句亮点是这样的:Today, we honor him as only three private citizens before him have been so honored. And like the faithful of Charlotte once did, today we say a prayer for our country that all across this land the Lord will raise up men and women like Billy Graham to spread a message of love and hope to every precious child of God (今天我们为我们的国家祈祷,在这片土地上,主将唤起像葛培理这样的人,向上帝的每一个珍贵的孩子传播爱与希望)。
我一边看国家大教堂里的葬礼直播,一边看油管上Live chat的各种留言,大多数留言表示哀悼,悲痛,但一句留言让我忍俊不住:“All the deep swamp rats are all here in one room.” 从某种意义来说,美国过去20年的衰退还真是屋子里的那批人造成的,比如基辛格,比如克林顿,比如奥巴马。
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Trump在twitter 8/14的留言:when you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House. I guess it didn't work out.Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!