我和她的先生曾经是同事。她们的女儿跟我们的邻居Tom Ludwig学提琴。所以,他们送了女儿来上钢琴课后,有时就会和我太太一起在小区里走路散步。
CDC, 大家都已经很熟悉了,是美国的,也是世界的疾病控制中心。旗下一个分支叫做美国环境卫生中心(National Center of Environmental Health)。这个中心包括了科学实验部门(DLS/Divisionof Laboratory Science)。这个中心的一部分叫做有机毒理分析(OATB/Organic Analytical Toxicology Branch)。
这两个实验室,一个叫做日常生活/Personal Care实验室,另一个叫做燃烧实验室。一听这些实验室的名字,就足以让我吃惊了。想想看,这两个名字,就可以知道CDC的这两个实验室管辖着多么宽泛的领域。在这两个宽泛的题目下,几乎包括了我们日常生活的一切于健康相关的事物。
在CDC的工作,晓芸创立的,在生物样品,血样和尿样等,测量微量毒物的分析方法,做出了巨大的贡献。用她建立的方法,测定了五十多种可疑的化学物质,搞清楚了它们有毒的证据。其中最出色的成果是与BPA(Bisphenol A)相关的测定。BPA是一种硬度强化添加剂,广泛应用于化工原料制造中。常见于各种各样的塑料制品中。也广泛地参与在我们的生活中。比如水瓶,水杯,奶瓶,。。。因此对于人类的健康有极大的关系。但是,通过容器使用而释放,再进入并残存在人体内的量是非常之微弱的,极其难以测量。由于晓芸创立的测试方法,成功地发现了BPA的微量检测数据,为哈佛大学的医学病毒病理的研究,提供了坚实的支持。进而为工业标准的建立,立下极其宝贵的贡献。现在大家在买这些产品时,就可以看到“BPA free” 的标志。
她的研究视野广阔,从日常污染,对孩子,对孕妇,到职业保护。在CDC有关环境中化学物质对人类影响的国家报告中,她的研究报告,构成了一个重要部分。这些测定,鉴定报告,对美国环保部/EPA(Environment Protection Admin)和食品药物管理部/FDA(Food & Drag Admit)的决策再起到了指导作用。
2012年的一篇论文,在长达5年的时间里,被美国的权威刊物,环保卫生展望/EHP(EnvironmentalHealth Perspectives)统计列为最高引用/Citation,在过去11年里,被全世界的专家学者们奉为圭臬。由于这些杰出贡献,晓芸得到了各种各样的崇高荣誉。
Itis with profound sadness that we announce the death of CDC employee Xiaoyun(Sherry) Ye.
Sherrywas a lead research chemist in the Division of Laboratory Sciences (DLS) at theNational Center
forEnvironmental Health. Since 2013, she served as chief of the Personal Care andCombustion
ProductsChemicals laboratory in DLS’ Organic Analytical Toxicology Branch (OATB).
Sherrywas born in China. Before leaving her homeland, she received Bachelor andMaster of Science
degreesin analytical chemistry from Xiamen University. She continued her studies inthe United States,
andobtained a second Master of Science degree in analyticalchemistry/chromatography from the
Universityof Alabama. In 2003, after seven years of post-graduate chemistry work in theprivate sector,
shejoined OATB.
Duringher CDC tenure, Sherry established herself as a worldwide authority in thefield of
biomonitoring—themeasurement of potentially toxic chemicals in human biospecimens, such as blood
andurine, to assess chemical exposures. She contributed greatly to OATB’s effortsby developing
cutting-edgeanalytical methods to provide unique exposure data to more than 50 potentiallytoxic
chemicals,most notably bisphenol A (BPA). These methods are critical to fulfill thebranch’s mission of
improvingthe detection, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of harmful exposures inpopulations.
Thescope of the studies Sherry coordinated ranged from characterizing chemicalexposures in the
generalpopulation, including children and pregnant women, to occupational settings.Her research is an
integralpart of CDC’s National Reports on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals,the most
comprehensiveongoing assessments of Americans’ exposure to potentially toxic chemicals. The
biomonitoringprograms she directed informed EPA and FDA’s ongoing discussions andevaluations of
plasticizerssuch as BPA and phthalates, drinking water contaminants such as perfluoroalkyland
polyfluoroalkylsubstances (PFAS), antiseptics such as triclosan, and tobacco carcinogens suchas
polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
Sherrywas an accomplished chemist and prolific author, publishing over 120manuscripts. In 2012,
EnvironmentalHealth Perspectives (EHP), a leading journal in the environmental health field,selected
oneof Sherry’s manuscripts as the EHP Classic Paper of the Year because itreceived the most article
citationsin a 60-month period.
In2016 and 2017, Sherry was selected as a Highly Cited Researcher inEnvironment/Ecology
.This annual list recognizes influential researchers from around the world whoduring the past 11 years co-
authoredmanuscripts that ranked in the top one percent by citations for field andpublication year.
Becauseof her outstanding contributions to biomonitoring through service andleadership, Sherry
receivedother honors and awards, including: the NCEH/ATSDR Excellence in AppliedResearch
Awardin 2006, NCEH/ATSDR Excellence in Public Health Protection Award in 2012, andthe
NCEH/ATSDRExcellence in Leadership Award in 2016.
Sherrywas passionate about her work. Her co-workers remember her selfless dedication,competence,
warmth,compassion, and smile. Sherry also took immense pleasure in every aspect of herfamily life.
Amemorial service will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 21, 2018 at theAtlanta Chinese
ChristianChurch North (ACCCN), 5055 E. Morton Road, Alpharetta, GA 30022, followed by aburial
serviceat Roswell Funeral Home Cemetery, 950 Mansell Road, Roswell, GA 30076.