【You belong to me 】 by 风丫头哈

很久没唱歌了,玩一下下。 Hi to all friends! 鬼脸

You Belong To Me

See the pyramids along the Nile

Watch the sun rise on a tropic isle

Just remember, darling, all the while

You belong to me

See the marketplace in old Algiers

Send me photographs and souvenirs

Just remember when a dream appears

You belong to me

I'll be so alone without you

Maybe you'll be lonesome too, and blue

Fly the ocean in a silver plane

See the jungle when its wet with rain

Just remember till you're home again

You belong to me

mrscw 发表评论于
回复 'zqy68' 的评论 : 明白了,大神都神出鬼没哈。
zqy68 发表评论于
回复 'mrscw' 的评论 :

这位大神发帖不久就会删帖,我一见到就及时下载。还有此习惯的坛友是 Maddux ,你若想长期听,也要及时下载:))
mrscw 发表评论于
zqy68 发表评论于
回复 'mrscw' 的评论 :

这歌是唱坛大神风丫头唱的, 可不是我啊!她是一人一线,几乎没有对手的 : ))
mrscw 发表评论于