家长别逼孩子爬藤,尤其是别轻易挑战最难读的几所大学,除非你不在意GPA 3.5以下。当然,有金刚钻的那倒是一显身手的机会。哥大的中线是3.3,在3.0以下痛苦不堪的占40%左右啊。要有心理准备,尤其是想读医学院的,如果你在那里只是中间水平,你3.3的GPA州大医学院都很难进。在哥大3.3,如果去州大,3.9以上不是问题,上医学院容易不说,还有自信。另外,要教育孩子在任何情况下都要活下去。活着,就有乐趣。实在不行就转到州大去读,把自信心拾回来。
1. Columbia
2. Cooper Union
3. University of Chicago
4. Swarthmore
5. MIT
6. Princeton
7. Middlebury
8. Harvey Mudd
9. Harvard
10 Dartmouth
11 Cornell
12 Yale
13 Duke
14 Amherst
15 Davidson
16 Stanford
17 Vanderbilt
18 Washington and Lee
19 Carnegie Mellon
20 UPenn
21 Northwestern
22 Wake Forest
23 Colgate
24 Johns Hopkins
25 Claremont McKenna
1. Stanford
2. Columbia
3. MIT
4. University of Pennsylvania
5. Harvard
6. Princeton
3. http://www.gradeinflation.com/Columbia.html
Columbia University
1982 and 2000, method unspecified
2005, estimated from percent A's awarded using a formula derived from other highly selective universities
2006, estimated from percent A+ through B+ grades awarded using a formula derived from other highly selective universities
1995-1999, 2001-2004, 2008-2009, average grade awarded for academic year estimated from %A grades in Arts & Sciences using a formula derived from other highly selective universities
2010, Average grade awarded, Fall term
1982 |
3.20 |
1994 |
3.26 |
1995 |
3.29 |
1996 |
3.31 |
1997 |
3.31 |
1998 |
3.33 |
1999 |
3.33 |
2000 |
3.36 |
2001 |
3.37 |
2002 |
3.40 |
2003 |
3.41 |
2004 |
3.43 |
2005 |
3.42 |
2006 |
3.42 |
2007 |
3.43 |
2008 |
3.45 |
2009 |
3.46 |
2010 |
3.45 |
Columbia Spectator, December 3, 2001
Columbia Spectator, November 16, 2006
Meeting of the Columbia University Faculty of Arts & Sciences, May 8, 2007
Gradesatcu.com (link broken 3/2016)
National fraternity report of grades (includes grades at Columbia), 2011
4. https://blog.prepscholar.com/average-college-gpa-by-major
Highly Selective Colleges |
College | Average GPA |
Brown University | 3.61 |
Columbia University | 3.42 |
Cornell University | 3.36 |
Dartmouth College | 3.42 |
Harvard University | 3.45 |
Princeton University | 3.28 |
Yale University | 3.51 |
Stanford University | 3.55 |
Duke University | 3.44 |
MIT | 3.27 |