在哈佛大学内部有个Harvard’s Office of Institutional Research (OIR) 机构早在2013年曾经对招生数据做过研究,发现哈佛招生过程中有很明显的针对亚裔申请者的不公对待,亚裔学生的录取几率被显著压低。OIR的研究结果和2017年统计专家Duke大学Arcidiacono博士做的分析结果基本一致。这说明哈佛在已经知道OIR这个报告的前提下,仍然在招生中继续操控种族平衡、故意歧视亚裔。
回复 'nightrider' 的评论 :
[Why have Mueller not run after Trump what with the zealotry he runs after any tiny bit of clues of impropriety from Trump? These transactions might seem tricky but were all legal. ]
》哥们啊,你说的这些才让人感到好笑,用你的话就是“荒唐”。穆勒的调查已经结案了吗?你听过穆勒向你报告过案情的进展吗?案情的进展都不知道,你为啥说“not run after Trump ”?对付川普难道是一般的人吗?提前向他通风报信,能够把事情弄得水落石出的清楚吗。你现在尽管说老川普什么都没有,到时候不要自己掌嘴啊!
回复 'nightrider' 的评论 :
【You are ridiculous. It is my freedom to write whichever language I please. You don't have to read it if you are incapable of reading the alphabets. 】
You are ridiculous. It is my freedom to write whichever language I please. You don't have to read it if you are incapable of reading the alphabets. And if you really want to write Chinese only, what are those words you are writing "period", "wrong", "period". Those are Chinese? You are contradicting yourself. Or maybe you can only recognize those three words? Besides, how long have you been in the US? You can't read English? You are holding up your illiteracy like a badge of honor without a hint of shame. Whether I want to talk on CNN or Fox is my decision. Where did you get the gall to tell me where I can speak? Speaking of Mao, you sound like you grew up in the era of cultural revolution. No wonder you like the Democrats.
What is wrong with saying you are wrong? You can be condescending towards 爪四哥 "你要是不明白这一点,就是你的误判。不说的太严重了,免得给你的活动泼冷水。" while I can't say you are wrong? How fragile is your ego? As for points, I have listed the points of my argument. Maybe the problem is you can read English as you seem to indicate.
"GOP把大法官的提名留着11个月" What does that have to do with market economy? That just betrays your ignorance. Do you even know what market economy means? You make yourself into a clown without knowing it. "川普涉嫌偷漏5亿大刀的税款,是哪家的市场经济?" You probably read it from New York Times --- probably you just read the second hand Chinese translation being unable to read English. What evidence do you have with that? If that is proven to be illegal, why haven't the all powerful IRS not run after Trump after so many years? Why have Mueller not run after Trump what with the zealotry he runs after any tiny bit of clues of impropriety from Trump? These transactions might seem tricky but were all legal. How is it not market economy? Market economy encourage one to be smart so long as you play within the rules. If you do not agree with the rules, there are legislative ways to change it. You are completely ignorant of how a democratic market economy operates and how the US political system operates. You cannot distinguish what is legal from what your utopian ideal. The problem with the liberal socialists like you is your irrationality, befuddled minds mired in constant self-contradiction.
Not that I do not think the tax system is not flawed. On the contrary, it is precisely the liberal socialists like you who made the tax system so complicated leaving room plenty for manipulations by the politicians and the special interest groups. If you really want a fair tax system, support simplifying the tax system to a flat rate, with no exemption whatsoever to anyone. I know your type will object. That is the problem with your type: trying to eat the cake and have it too, twisting yourself into a pretzel
回复 'nightrider' 的评论 :
[ou could not be more wrong. Liberal socialism is poison to any society. GOP advocates at least the market economy which entails restraining the government. ]
I surely have no disagreement with walking one concrete step at a time. We all know Rome is not built in one day. I support you laying the bricks and walking the walk!
nightrider 发表评论于
You could not be more wrong. Liberal socialism is poison to any society. GOP advocates at least the market economy which entails restraining the government. So long as Judge Kavanaugh hews to the original intent of the Constitution, which his court records amply show --- no one even the irrational Democrats ever questioned that --- Americans, Asians in particular, are blessed.
We need more pranksters/satirists like Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam. Hahahaa...
nightrider 发表评论于
Support your activism! It is not about the behavior of Harvard or any other schools per se. They are victims as well. The Affirmative Action (AA) is NOT a policy for racial equality but rather a racially discriminatory policy. The root problem is government meddling in the social-economic affairs of the society. The AA is but a small part of the governmental overreach. The abolishing of AA would be a good start for the goal of establishing a less intrusive government.