
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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too hot to handle
too sensitive to explore
too naïve to open the Pandora box

"我不仅担心这一试验的风险,还深切地关注它缺乏透明度的问题。所有的医学进步、基因编辑或其他方面,尤其是那些影响弱势群体进步的研究,都应该谨慎、仔细地进行测试,与患者、医生、科学家和其他社区成员公开讨论,并通过合理方式实施。" (据麻省理工科技评论26日报道,华裔科学家、CRISPR基因编辑技术发明人之一张锋呼吁全球停止利用他发明的这一技术来“制造”基因编辑婴儿。张锋在其声明中称:“基于现有的技术,我赞成停止对胚胎的编辑。”http://www.wenxuecity.com/blog/201811/27715/37649.html

"尤其是那些影响弱势群体进步的研究" --

James Watson on black with low IQ
Bruce Lahn on black intelligence gene mapping locus


Article |

The authors use a machine-learning algorithm to predict the spectrum of CRISPR–Cas9-nuclease-mediated DNA repair outcomes at human genomic target sites.

  • Max W. Shen
  • , Mandana Arbab
  • , Jonathan Y. Hsu
  • , Daniel Worstell
  • , Sannie J. Culbertson
  • , Olga Krabbe
  • , Christopher A. Cassa
  • , David R. Liu
  • , David K. Gifford
  • […]
  •  & Richard I. Sherwood

  • The Pathology of Prejudice

    The New Republic - Nov. 27, 2018

    Erika Hayasaki, professor in the Literary Journalism Program at the University of California, Irvine, writes: “White power organizations are not uncommon in California—the state actually has the most active hate groups in the nation, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center—but Brown’s family disapproved of their criminal behavior, if not their ideology.”

    MIT on gene-edited babies 影响弱势群体进步的研究
