黑莓 克拉芙缇 (黑莓布丁蛋糕)Blackberry Clafoutis

材料 Ingredients
1 1/4杯 中筋面粉 , 1 1/4cup multi - purpose flours
2/3 或1杯糖 , 2/3 or 1 cup sugar
4 个蛋 4 eggs
1 大匙 朗母酒 或白兰地,1 tbs rum or brandy
1/2 茶匙盐,1/2 tsp salt
2 茶匙香草精,2 tsp vanilla extract
1 杯鲜奶油,1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 杯牛奶 , 1 cup milk
黑莓 2 杯(9”派盘我用了30粒) Blackberry 2cups ( I use 30 pieces in 9” pie pan)
牛油 2 大匙 (一条牛油上有写好的份量)
Butter 2 tbs ( cut them into small bits)
1. 预热烤箱350度。擦点牛油和洒些干面粉防止在派盘上或其它烘焙模具。
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put butter and flour the pie pan or other baking molds.

2. Put ingredients A. In blender and mix well.
把全部材料 A倒进搅拌机用面糊挡打好。

3. 倒面糊进派盘或其它烘焙模具。
Pour batter in the pie pan or baking molds.
4. 放一些黑莓和小粒的牛油进面糊里。
Put some blackberries and small butter bits in batter.

5. 9寸的派盘350度烤45分钟,用大的玛????蛋糕模具要烤30分钟左右,小的烤20分钟。
Bake at 350 degree for 45 minutes for 9” pie pan , 30 minutes for big cupcake containers or small ones for 20 minutes
6. 洒些糖粉上去。(我忘了放就照相和吃了)
Dust it with sugar powders.