星期五下午放学,老二从学校带回一个袋子。她狠得意地告诉我:“ mom, I AM
the star student of the week!"
但我还是满脸堆笑地对老二说:“ wow, I am so proud of you! You are such a great girl! " 马屁大人小孩都受用,老二美滋滋的打开袋子,里面有一张纸!“mom, we need to do all these."
3 个你喜欢的东西 to show and tell;
你要是说:“ 宝贝我们赶紧把作业写完,好不好?”
人家就说:“ 我不想做。”
“ 我不想更聪明!”女儿回答。
我问老公:“ 你是要陪女儿准备袋子,还是要洗碗?” 老公向来不喜欢洗碗做饭。兴致勃勃地陪女儿去了。
“daddy, you need to write a poem about me." 女儿通知她老爸。
“什么,写诗?我可不会写。对了,你妈妈会写诗,还是让她来写吧!” 老公说。
“Mom, daddy said he does not know how to write a poem!" 女儿跑到楼梯口对我大喊。
“Oh,baby, he knows how to. He has a PHD degree!" 我大喊着告诉老二。碗都快洗完了想换任务,哼,门都没有。再说了,老二也不听我的话。
老公无奈,但吭哧吭哧半天,也没写出诗来。老二估计等不急了,说:“OK, dad,I am going to read, and you write it. "
I love A
Because she is so cute
She is smart
She is pretty
She help daddy organize books and clean up kitchen
Her mom loves her
Because she is so beautiful
She is so happy
She is so kind
Best of all
She learns to clean her room, and she takes piano lesson, ballet lesson, swimming class, and singing class
Her sister loves her
Because she is so playful
She even stops during the middle of diner to write a card to mom and dad
When she was five years old, she wants to be a super hero and a vat
She was born in Atlanta when it was just snowed. That is why her Chinese name is "lanxue" meaning "Atlanta-snow".
That is why our family loves A.
我听地忍不住大笑,这也太能自夸了吧! 不过她娘我也喜欢得瑟、马屁自拍。有句话是怎么来说着:“ the apple does not fall far from the tree." 用咱中文说就是“龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!”