昔孟母择邻处子不学断机子: 环境帮助学动力, 图书馆教育教室更能使学生专心学习。好下,量化研究环境帮助学动力
空间可以激活学习吗? 寻求以6700万美元的教学设施找到答案
EdSurge - 2018年12月4日
当课程没有开课时,加州大学欧文分校闪亮的新Anteater Learning Pavillion看起来就像任何现代化的校园建筑。 有大型演讲厅,硬接线讲座捕捉技术,较小的教室,休闲学习空间和色彩鲜艳的转椅。 ......但这个三层,价值6700万美元的工厂还有更多工作要做,这个工厂于9月份开业。 对于初学者来说,这个空间致力于“主动学习”,这个术语通常指的是超出单向讲座形式的教学风格。 这可以从简单地让学生有机会暂停和与同伴讨论,角色扮演,在课堂上投票学生等等。
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Today's Stories
Can Space Activate Learning? UC Irvine Seeks to Find Out With $67M Teaching FacilityEdSurge - Dec. 4, 2018When class isn’t in session, UC Irvine’s shiny new Anteater Learning Pavillion looks like any modern campus building. There are large lecture halls, hard-wired lecture capture technology, smaller classrooms, casual study spaces and brightly colored swivel chairs. … But there’s more going on in this three-level, $67-million facility, which opened its doors in September. For starters, the space is dedicated to “active learning,” a term that often refers to teaching styles that go beyond a one-way lecture format. That could range from simply giving students a chance to pause and discuss with peers, to role playing, to polling students during class, and more. |