Time flies n Love never dies
'course He is an angel from Heaven though blind
I can't remember a single date between u n me in Heaven
I can't forget a tiny episode of our meeting in dreams
In dream u r caught at last n made high
In dream u r on a sunny beach nude n shy
In dream u r a kite struggling higher n higher in blue sky
In dream we r trying hard heart to heart n thigh to thigh
Once u r a red female-snake , bright red as roaring fire
Me a white male-S , pure white as jade , snow or ice
Can anybody bind fire n ice together as one creature ?
WE r twisted into one rope by two ribbons red n white
The dream of butterflies is both old n young
It plays a key part among us , right or wrong
Lead by Moon-shine , u n me , flying around a plum tree
Covered by ice n snow , its buds open n fragrance flows
Adding our breath to silvery world by flapping our wings
The sky , the earth n snow all becoming perfumed things
We must be from the cocoon of a spring silk-worm that
Peony n peach flowers nodding n dancing without hats