Trump’s top 10 achievements of 2018



Trump's Top 10 Achievements of 2018


    by Steve Cortes


Given all the political fervor of 2018, Americans may easily lose sight of the policy achievements of the past 12 months.  So, before bidding the year goodbye, consider these impressive accomplishments of President Trump:


1. Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court – As messy and unfair as the process was, his confirmation secures another conservative jurist with an originalist constitutional approach and a restrained view of judicial power. The untimely death of Justice Antonin Scalia in 2016 crystalized for many voters the danger of allowing Hillary Clinton to fill that seat.  With Neil Gorsuch and Kavanaugh in place, Trump has kept his promise to remake the high court with young, conservative thinkers.


2. Confronting China – Much of the heartland anxiety that vaulted Trump into the Oval Office emanates directly from the abusive economic warfare waged by China for decades against the United States. At long last, those workers find a champion in Donald Trump, who slapped serious tariffs upon Beijing and finally forced the regime to negotiate fairly. America now embraces its strong bargaining position and demands reciprocity in trade and an end to rampant industrial theft and piracy.


3. Middle-Class Wages Rise – Incomes in general soared in 2018, with average hourly earnings finally eclipsing 3 percent growth for the first time since before the Great Recession. The news is even better for blue-collar workers, who now realize wage growth above that of white-collar workers for the first time in nearly a decade.


4. U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Deal – Trump proved that America welcomes equitable global commerce by cementing a badly needed modernization of NAFTA. The USMCA provides a template for other such trade pacts and effectively isolates China’s increasingly untenable posture.


5. Ending the Iran Nuclear Deal – Gone are the days of coddling the mullahs who have terrorized America and our allies for decades. Instead of counting the billions of dollars of cash sent via secret nighttime flights by the Obama administration, the Tehran regime now faces a U.S. leadership determined to thwart its tyranny and prevent its nuclearization.


6. Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem – Trump proved once again how differently he governs compared to Washington norms. Past presidents promised for decades to make this move and U.S. law has required it since 1995, but only President Trump made good on his pledge, honored our ally, and recognized the obvious reality that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel.


7. Smashing the ISIS Caliphate and Exiting Syria – Unlike his predecessor, who haughtily dismissed and ignored the ISIS threat as terrorists’ “JV team,” President Trump smartly dispatched limited U.S. troops to help our partners erase the territorial caliphate that had inflicted unspeakable human rights abuses. Just as importantly, Trump also announced the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria, placing the primary burden for ongoing stability upon regional powers Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.  This president will not repeat the disastrous nation-building mistakes of Presidents Bush and Obama. 


8. Increasing Minority Jobs – If Trump is actually racist, as biased mainstream media “journalists” often claim, he’s remarkably bad at it, because people of color have thrived under the pro-growth policies of the Trump Boom. Black joblessness in 2018 reached the lowest levels ever recorded.  For Hispanics, in history there have been a total of 14 months with a jobless rate under 5 percent -- and 13 of those months have unfolded under the leadership of President Trump.  Small business dynamism is particularly crucial for minority advancement, and small business surveys report optimism among entrepreneurs at record highs in 2018.


9. Holding the Line with Migrant Caravans – In the face of continual demagoguery from liberal politicians and their allies in the legacy media, President Trump took a tough and principled stance against would-be trespassers.  Lawless caravans assault our sovereignty and abuse our generous asylum statutes.  Such provocations validate the need for a border wall along with reforms to immigration laws. 


10. Record American Oil Production – In 2018, the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil. Through aggressive regulatory relief and pro-energy moves like green-lighting the Keystone XL pipeline, President Trump paved the way for an independent energy future.


There were missteps, to be sure.  For example, the Helsinki press conference with Vladimir Putin belied the normally assertive Trump.  Still, good news abounded in 2018 as America reaped the benefits of a commander-in-chief committed to restoring the greatness of our republic.  The intelligentsia of the permanent political class may howl, and complicit pseudo-journalists will balk, but the reality of the Trump track record reveals a country growing in prosperity and security. 


Steve Cortes is a contributor to RealClearPolitics and a CNN  political commentator. His Twitter handle is @CortesSteve.

万维假巴 发表评论于
回复 'JessAB' 的评论 :

JessAB 发表评论于
回复 '万维假巴' 的评论 : 尽管观点不同, 也祝你新年快乐.

每个人开博的目的不同, 我不喜欢有obligations.
万维假巴 发表评论于
回复 'JessAB' 的评论 :


JessAB 发表评论于
回复 '万维假巴' 的评论 : Steve Cortes 写了这些事实加上他自己的评论, 但对Trump-haters 而言除了充满hatred, resistance 还能有什么. 可以说Trump是一个great disruptor (很时髦的一个词), 可以理解那些不适合干或要走的人, 但美国不缺的是有很多 talented 和愿意serve 这个国家的人.

Btw, 我早就skip cnn.
万维假巴 发表评论于
回复 'JessAB' 的评论 : [你说说看Cortes 怎么个颠倒黑白? 难道Trump 内阁走人跟他的accomplishments 是因果关系??]

》你先回答一声,Cortes在CNN上面写的东西,是不是FAKE NEWS?除了他以外,还有谁在CNN上面写的东西,也不是FAKE NEWS?你说的那十条大部分都是胡乱治国的典范。老川普现在主动的和习大大沟通,你说说是不是他已经有点色厉内荏的感觉了。打关税战打到你没东西,涨一倍的价,如果你的工资不跟着涨一辈的话,你就要想想为什么了!

Trump 内阁走人跟他的个人的品行有关。别人无法伺候他,他是一个搞破坏的家伙,别人又管不着他,只好走人,道理是不是非常的简单!你给川普的办公室写推荐信好不好,1U说他能够帮川普完成MAGA的90%,另外剩下的10%只要给他安排比较漂亮的女秘书就也可能可以解决了。现在川普的大内总管正好缺人!
JessAB 发表评论于
回复 '万维假巴' 的评论 : 你说说看Cortes 怎么个颠倒黑白? 难道Trump 内阁走人跟他的accomplishments 是因果关系??
万维假巴 发表评论于
【Steve Cortes is a contributor to RealClearPolitics and a CNN political commentator. His Twitter handle is @CortesSteve.】

》呵呵,说这种事,CNN就不是FAKE NEWS啦!?
万维假巴 发表评论于
》Steve Cortes是一个混淆是非,颠倒黑白的家伙,看他明年还会咋说!他倒是应该数数,川普大爷的内阁和幕僚还剩下几个是原装的,两年的任期还没有过去呢!