Trump got you on guard - believe or not. Here you're - why trump want mexican wall? 为什么特朗普想要墨西哥城墙? 特朗普让你保持警惕 - 不管你信不信。
今日心理学 - 2019年1月10日
加利福尼亚大学欧文分校的这项调查指出,封闭式社区在美国越来越受欢迎......该研究的作者Nicholas Branic和Charis Kubrin教授认为,消费者对寨内住宅的强烈需求意味着目前的数量 门控社区的数量从早先的估计中大幅增加。
Robert Frost’s Proverb: “Good fences make good neighbors.” September 18th, 2009 The proverb “Good fences make good neighbors” has been around for a couple of centuries in different forms.
Images of a fence makes good neighbors

My notes:
Yes, boggled down on specifics, a trick to get you on corner - Yes, he didn't say that. Specific is the key to leverage you out of the troubled water, a skill to debate!
Adam GrantVerified account @AdamMGrant 4 hours
It's amazing how many online discussions live at the bottom of the hierarchy of disagreement. If you're in a debate and you call someone an asshat, you're the asshat.