回复 'Fanreninus' 的评论 : [Democrats are making presidential tax returns a focal point in one of their first pieces of legislation, an effort to build the case to the American people that time is up on President Donald Trump keeping his own tax returns from the public, shutting what could be a window into his personal wealth.]
A former Republican Congressman predicts that President Donald Trump will leave the White House “soon” in a “spectacular political crash-and-burn” set to take place during 2019.
John LeBoutillier, who was a GOP representative in Trump’s home city of New York back in the early 1980s, made his prediction in a column for The Hill.]
wuliwa 发表评论于
我也看了Aquaman! Nicole依然是那么美!那片子拍得美轮美奂,很好看。
ARooibosTea 发表评论于
No soft spot! 啊哈, 烦小字,新年快乐!Nicole Kdiman is my favorite too.