猪做为人类最为熟悉,和人类生活密切相关的动物,中文和英文中都有很多成语和俚语借猪发挥。这里举几个英文中的例子。这些俚语中不光有pig, 还有hog和swine。pig, hog,and swine都是猪
1. buy a pig in a poke
Poke 这里的意思是袋子。买一只装在袋子里的猪,意思就是没看到或者不了解一个东西就买了下来。冲动购物大多属于buy a pig in a poke。
2. in a pig`s eye
猪的眼神如下图所示,中文有“狗眼看人低”,这个in a pig`s eye差不多就是“猪眼看人低”,意思就是不相信,不可能。比如,一个人说,“I can set it up in a few minutes.” 另一个人说,“in a pig`s eye! It will take a few hours.
3. cast pearls before swine
这个俚语来自于新约圣经,马太福音,7章6节,"Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces." 意思就是把有价值的东西给了那些不懂得感恩或者不识货的人。
4. live/eat high on/off the hog
5. a road hog
在路上开车不注意,时不时压在线上,就是a road hog, 就像下面这位压着双黄线的猪。