Then why do all the smart foreigners come to the US but not to China? The foreign 牛人 become American and they are American. Few foreign 牛人 go to China and become Chinese. That is THE difference! You are contradicting yourself. You just said China would beat the US. Now you say China could just needs to follow the US and needs no innovation. You want to beat someone by following behind? What kind of miracle is that?
"我们这些人不比国内人高明" Obviously you are not working with 牛人.
回复 'nightrider' 的评论 : thanks, buddy! You really read my mind.
nightrider 发表评论于
"美国最大的优势就是有牛人,能创新发明新工具新技术。" Of course, what do you think? The other people almost do not count! Innovation is ALL and ONLY about 牛人, Newton, Einstein, Feynman, Shing-Tung Yau, James Simon, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, etc. etc. The distribution of contribution is always a power distribution. 90% of work is done by only 10% of the people. THE question is why most of the 牛人 originally from wherever including China come to USA not to China or any other places. Not only that, China suppresses 牛人. 庸人国超越牛人国? 此所谓中国梦焉?
nightrider 发表评论于
Yeah, right. Then the Soviet Union and communist China, at least before 1980's, paradises of the left, together with Venezuela, must have been the most technically innovative countries.