会 长:徐英才
理 事 会 成 员(按拼音顺序): 冰花、焦海丽、李莉、虔谦 、徐英才、颜海峰、张庭
Members of the Management Board of the Chinese Poetry Association
President: Xu Yingcai
Vice President: Bing Hua, Zhang Ting, Yan Haifeng (Brent O. Yan)
Secretary General: Liu Yamu
Members: Bing Hua, Jiao Haili, Liu Yamu, Qian Qian, Xu Yingcai, Yan Haifeng (Brent O. Yan), Zhang Ting
Members of the Management Board of the Chinese Poetry Association

President: Xu Yingcai 会长 : 徐英才
President: Xu Yingcai
Xu Yingcai, a former Fudan University English teacher, works in DePaul University, mostly teaching Chinese studies courses. He loves translation and poetry, enjoying writing new, classical, and English poems. His poetry publications are seen in magazines both at home and abroad and many of his translation books are also published both at home and abroad, among which, "A Selection from the Eight Great Prose Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties" and "Selected Works of Classical Chinese Prose" were chosen to be the Chinese government gifts presented to the United States. He is now the President of the Chinese Poetry Association and Editor in Chief of the Chinese and English Bilingual Journal "Poetry Hall."

Vice President: Bing Hua 副会长: 冰花
冰花 ,本名鲁丽华。前中国航空油料公司首任财务长,现在美国私人会计师事务所工作。业余从事诗歌创作,为华人诗学会副会长,《诗中国》杂志顾问。著有诗集《这就是爱》(This Is Love), 《溪水边的玫瑰》 (Roses By The Stream)等 。有数十首诗翻译成外文曾在美、加、法、印、泰及韩国发表。其诗歌在第31届世界诗人大会及全球性诗歌比赛中多次夺冠。2013年,央视"华人世界"曾特别播出"冰花,为爱行走天涯"专访。冰花被誉为"情诗皇后"等。有诗歌登上美国大华府和中国诗歌春晚(欧洲会场)、美国大华府元宵节晚会及澳洲旗袍舞台。2017年获"中国新归来优秀诗人"奖。
Vice President: Bing Hua
Bing Hua is now living in Maryland U.S.A. Her unique poems have earned her the epithet of "Bing Hua Style", and she has won quite a number of international poetry rewards. Her poetry collections include This Is Love, Rose by the Stream, etc. and is thus regarded as "the Queen of Love Poems." "The Rose of Poetry," Etc. She was once interviewed by China Central Television. She is now Vice President of the Management Board of the Chinese Poetry Association.

Vice President: Jeffrey Zhang 副会长:张庭
张庭,Jeffrey Zhang, 詩詞愛好者,偶寫新詩;祖籍魯任城 (今山東濟寧),現旅居美國, 執教於某大學。为华人诗学会副会长。
Vice President: Jeffrey Zhang
Jeffrey Zhang enjoys reading and writing Chinese classical poems and ci. Occasionally, he writes new poems. With his ancestral home of Jining city, Shandong Province (known as Ren City in ancient China), he now lives in the US and works as a tenured college professor. He is now Vice President of the Management Board of the Chinese Poetry Association.

Vice President: Brent O. Yan 副会长:颜海峰
颜海峰,笔名木樨黄谷、水中山,山东政法学院副教授。华人诗学会副会长 、国际比较文明学会中国分会理事、东西方艺术家协会副主席、山东省作家协会会员、《世界诗人》客座总编、学术期刊《东北亚外语论坛》、《商务翻译》编辑部副主任。出版译著4部,发表学术论文20余篇,发表译诗、双语诗、中文古体诗近千首,散见于《诗文杂志》、《世界诗人》、《江南诗》等杂志期刊和《中国诗选》等选本。曾获第四届中国当代诗歌奖翻译奖,国际诗酒大会草堂国际诗会翻译。
Vice President: Brent O. Yan
Brent O. Yan is a poet and translator who lives in Jinan and usually publishes his translations under the name of Brent O. Yan. He is the vice-chairman of East-West Association of Artists, a member of Writers Association of Shandong Province of China, councilor of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations ,visiting deputy managing editors of the World Poets Quarterly, Deputy Editor in Chief of Poetry Hall, vice editorial director of Northeast Asia Forum on Foreign Languages, Business Translation and an associate professor in Shandong University of Political Science and Law. He has published 4 translated books, 20 academic papers and many pieces of poem translation, for example, Selected Poems of Shihab Ghanem (English-Chinese Bilingual), Cuore (from English translation by Isabel Hapgood) and Mind Wanders: 100 Haikus by Lou Deping. He was awarded "Best Translator" in Contemporary Chinese Poetry Award. In 2017 he worked as a translator for International Festival of Poetry and Liquor. He is now Vice President of the Management Board of the Chinese Poetry Association.

Member: Qian Qian 理事:虔谦
中、短篇作品发表于海内外报刊数百万字。小说获汉新文学金奖,2016年度北美华人图书馆协会最佳图书奖, 第四届郁达夫小说奖提名,入《东方文学》杂志阅读2017亚洲最佳名单,2018华文著述佳作奖。2018年"和平崛起·改革开放四十周年全国文学创作大赛小说"银奖等。散文三度获内地金奖,编入教材,收入多种选集。
Member: Qian Qian
Qian Qian is an accomplished overseas Chinese writer of novels, short stories, essays, and poems. Her works included The Wonder of Encounters ( a collection of short stories in English translation) and Celestial Well (a Chinese-English collection of poems) published in the United States. She is a Member of the Management Board of the Chinese Poetry Association.

Member: Bai Shuihe 理事:焦海丽
Member: Bai Shuihe
Official name is Jiao Haili. Pen name is Bai Shuihe. She started writing poems in high school and got published in college. She currently lives in Maryland and works as IT engineer. Her chinese poems have been published in US, Canada and China. She is a Member of the Management Board of the Chinese Poetry Association.