靚聲天后集錦: 直覺《Intuition》


靚聲天后集錦: 直覺《Intuition》首首甜膩膩的情歌,發燒女聲專輯。

靚聲品牌GRAPEVINE旗下,頂級天碟集合Mary Black、Janis Ian、Joan Baez、Emmylou Harris、Shinead Lohan等十一位世界級著名女聲天后,演唱十八首百聽不厭之代表作。首首皆是大家耳熟能詳的歌曲,論到錄音簡直一流中高頻段透明清澈,音像立體感甚佳、絕無冷場。碟中的人聲錄音情感特別豐富,每首歌都可以表現到女性天生的溫柔美麗,和唱腔的圓滑甜美,各款樂器的定位和結像很好,有在現場聽音樂會的感受。 一張CD歌曲音樂性豐富,可聽程度高,錄音效果又有優異的表現,難能可貴超值之至、鬆弛神經的最佳伴侶。


01. At Seventeen [0:04:44.25] Janis Ian
02. No Frontiers [0:03:58.27]Mary Black
03. When I Was A Boy [0:04:45.73]Dar Williams
04. Welcome Me [0:04:24.27]Joan Baez
05. Jerusalem Tomorrow [0:04:19.58]Emmylou Harris
06. Words [0:04:21.70]Tamalin
07. Wonderful Thing [0:04:18.55]Leslie Dowdall
08. You're In My Love [0:03:50.72]Sinead Lohan
09. Tenderness [0:03:45.05]Janis Ian
10. Bee In The Bottle [0:02:44.55]Sinead Lohan
11. As Cool As I Am [0:03:36.33]Dar Williams
12. Going Back To Harlan [0:04:52.70]Emmylou Harris
13. Libertango [0:04:24.50]Saron Shannon and Kirsty MacColl
14. Don't Think Twice It's Alright [0:04:31.40]Joan Baez
15. Kilkelly [0:07:25.20]Eleanor Shanley
16. Thre's A train That Leaves Tonight [0:04:16.00]Mary Black
17. Gort Na Sailean [0:05:00.30]Tamalin
18. Rise Again [0:03:47.40]The Rankin Family

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