learn about Muslim supremacy ideology and its effects on society and see if u want to live under: search YouTube: Islamic supremacist attacks as regular as rain, Kafir - Political Islam, Indonesia: Thousands rally against blasphemy in Jakarta, This Is What Life Is Like Under Sharia Law | VICE on HBO, Asia Bibi: protests erupt in Pakistan after blasphemy conviction overturned, Sharia law punishment for woman wearing trousers.
childofGod 发表评论于
I'm sorry if I hurt someone's sensibility. but truth hurts, speak against evil is not hate but love. please educate yourself before rushing to defend Islam. like fascist, Islam is the biggest treat to humanity, it turns its followers from ordinary people into monsters, a society into sharia compliant shithole place. it's bad for kafirs and women where dualistic legal system is discriminate toward them e.g. as kafirs u can't file law suit again Muslims even if Muslims tried to murder you, it's ok to lie to kafirs, take properties or rape their women). it's bad for Muslims also: they cant leave Islam at their free will, become hateful and violent toward kafir (filthy pigs), crude without feeling guilt (fill them whenever you find, cut the tips of their fingers, cast terror into their heart), lying without shame (it's permitted to lie for the advancement of Islam), intellectually challenged due to inbreeding(it's encoraged to marry cousins, sex between family members due to restriction on free interaction with opposite sex).
19428182 发表评论于
What means Utopia and Communism? The people who don't want to work(NOT UNABEL to work)can enjoy the same social benefits as the hard workers do. So, USA and the most western counties are going to the ideal society, Steps by steps. God bless the people in these counties.
我也是基督徒,也不想谈政治。我庆祝St. Patrick ‘s Day 20多年了,就是一个穿上绿色衣服,去吃corned beef, 喝啤酒的节日,大家快乐着!
Rosaline 发表评论于
To Child of God:我想你可能是基督徒或者其他信仰。你用英文写的认同政府对新疆“再教育camp”, 我是汉人,也从没去过新疆,也略知回汉战争历史和近年的暴力事件。我听从最近从伊梨工作过的,或者旅行的朋友们说起,深感心悸,震惊。
childofGod 发表评论于
I disagree with Chinese government on many issues, but I think Chinese government is doing Chinese people a big favor by re-educate Muslims that have been brain washed by Islamic hateful ideology. educate yourself about Islam, a political muslim supremacy fascist ideology with a god hat. their founder Mohamod was a blood thirsty murderer, rapist, slave owner, racist, child molester. Muslims are taught to model him in every area. Muslims are not ordinary citizens they are Allah's army and commended to "kill infidel wherever you find them". their first loyalty is to Islam and Mohamod. when they are small in numbers they wedge jihard by silencing critics, intimidation(massive protest and riot), random attacks, as the number grows violent jihad become norm. . https://www.politicalislam.com/kafir/, https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=asian+bibi+youtube&&view=detail&mid=1BF9129C12589AB1CBD31BF9129C12589AB1CBD3&&FORM=VDRVRV, https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=jakarta+governor+blasphemy+muslim+protest&&view=detail&mid=A3F985E8369F2C3995A9A3F985E8369F2C3995A9&rvsmid=55FFA551DCF09CB84FFA55FFA551DCF09CB84FFA&FORM=VDRVRV, https://muflihun.com/bukhari/46/717