这位 Lori Loughlin 就象是中国电视明星刘涛的姐姐。:-) 过了若干年以后,刘涛也去为她的女儿儿子贿赂上清华或斯坦福? :-)
过客手笺 发表评论于
小三儿她姐 发表评论于
回复 'nightrider' 的评论 : spot on!
nightrider 发表评论于
The government uses federal funding as leverage to impose various policies, particularly AA, on colleges. Federal funding constitutes a large portion of operational budget of large universities. So AA is a government policy imposition rather than a matter of university voluntary action. There are purely private conservative universities that reject AA policies openly and completely. But it is a minority and it takes extraordinary courage both spiritually and financially. It is unfair to accuse individuals for not resisting state (meaning government) power. The cure is to abolish AA completely as a matter of government policy. If we want to talk about the root cause, all these ills are the consequence of government meddling in the economy. If we really want to eradicate these pernicious government policies like AA, stop voting for the liberal Democrats!