I went to visit my family in China on April 1, the day after the TIR (Texas Independence Relay) weekend, and just got back. It is time consuming and interesting to go through all emails at home as well as at work. One of the emails stated that our TIR team Flying Sisters won amongst all the female TIR teams. Our team also sets a new course record, an 8:10 pace, in the Masters Women category. So proud of everyone in the team Flying Sisters!
On Sunday of the TIR weekend (03/30 to 03/31), I also ran the Run for the Rose 5K, a fund-raising event for brain cancer patients and pediatric patients, after I ran three legs of TIR. This was an event that I won my age group with 21:33 (6:57 pace) last year. However, I finished the 5K in the 4th of my age group this year with 25:45 (8:17 pace) . There is a Chinese proverb鱼和熊掌不可兼得 , which means “You cannot have it both ways”. OK, I take the TIR this year and let it go with the Run for the Rose 5K:-))).
Photo 1-2: 2019 TIR

Photo 3-4: 2019 Run for the Rose 5K

Photo 5-6: The visit to the Lake Gaoyou (高邮湖) near to my hometown Yangzhou (扬州)

【注:后来得知,今年的德克萨斯独立接力赛(Texas Independence Relay, TIR)线路稍有改变,从2018年的180.69英里(291公里)变为183.42英里(295公里)。德克萨斯于1836年打响从墨西哥统治中独立的战争,至今恰好是183年,用183英里以表达纪念】