發行時間:May 20, 2016
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- 01 If - Bread
- 02 Evergreen Tree - Cliff Richards & the Shadows
- 03 All I Have to Do Is Dream - The Everly Brothers
- 04 I'd Really Love to See You Tonight - England Dan & John Ford Coley
- 05 I'd Love You To Want Me - Lobo
- 06 Blowin In The Wind - The Seekers
- 07 I Wanna Be Free - The Monkees
- 08 Windflowers - Seals & Crofts
- 09 Falling - Leblanc & Carr
- 10 In My LIfe - Judy Collins
- 11 One Tin Soldier - New Strangers
- 12 Year Of The Cat - Al Stewart
- 13 If You Could Read My Mind - Gordon Lightfoot
- 14 Lullaby - Dan Seals
- 15 Five Hundred Miles - Peter & Gordon
- 16 Cats In The Cradle - Harry Chapin
- 17 San Francisco (Be sure wear flowers in your hair) - Scott McKenzie