也许是与工作性质有关, 一般是以疑问的态度看问题, 喜欢提问题. 在去年8月我就想难道Trump真的说’华人是间谍’?? 若真是那样为什么这种对Trump极为不利的新闻在美国的英文媒体没有被抄得沸沸扬扬?? 为止专门花了一些时间在网上仔细查了,看了不同的美囯媒体对这件事的报道. 结果发现(to the best of my knowledge), 他们的报道都是引用俩个来源, 一个是Politico的Annie Karni 的报道(参考文献1), 另一个是CNN的Jeremy Diamond 的报道( 参考文献2).
1. 首先他们的题目都不是关于’间谍’.
2. 引用一段Karni的文章: “At one point during the dinner, Trump noted of an unnamed country that the attendee said was clearly China, “almost every student that comes over to this country is a spy.”
3. 引用一段CNN Diamond 的文章: ”Even as he appeared to agree with the executives that more high-skilled immigrants should be allowed to remain in the country, Trump expressed concern that some foreign students were acting as foreign agents, particularly from China, according to one of the attendees.”
'Drug dealers, criminals, rapists': What Trump thinks of Mexicans
Donald Trump, who has repeatedly disparaged Mexico during his presidential campaign, is to visit the country for talks with the president ahead of a speech on immigration.
JessAB 发表评论于
什么是’discrimination (歧视)’: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
'Drug dealers, criminals, rapists': What Trump thinks of Mexicans
Donald Trump, who has repeatedly disparaged Mexico during his presidential campaign, is to visit the country for talks with the president ahead of a speech on immigration.
1. You see, you cannot control how other people think about you or if they like you or not.
2. ...
3. 看来你把自己放在华人的位置去考虑比放在自己是美国人的位置多些. "
首先,你在 1. 里面说,无法 control 别人对你的看法。 这不是和你的博文说的自相矛盾吗? 你的博文说的是,如果华裔美国人遭到歧视,可能是因为自己的行为或有问题。 你建议,应该反思, “要把自己当美国人看待, 站在美国的立场为美国的利益着想.” 但是你又承认,别人对你的看法,其实是无法 control 的。
关于 3., 请问,你何以知道我把自己放在什么位置呢? 我方才是说过 “为美国的利益着想,也要同时看看对自己的利益如何吧?”; 其实这正是美国立国时所揭橥的精神。 美国的《独立宣言》里明白的宣示,“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” 所以一个美国人不是应该为所谓 “美国的利益” 而活的。按照美国的独立宣言,他应该与所有其他公民是平等的(==不遭到歧视),同时他有天赋的权益去为自己追求幸福。 请注意,独立宣言并没有说,这幸福的定义,必须是美国政府或某一个社会群体来下定义的。 如果我们,在美国独立 240多年后的今天,还要小心翼翼地观察风向,时时看着主流人物的脸色,来决定自己是否应该采取什么样的态度,那就不是《独立宣言》上昂首挺胸、自豪地宣告的美国公民的形象了。 如果那样,就是 在《独立宣言》上签字的众多开国元老们 所始料不及的不幸发展了。
JessAB 发表评论于
回复 '海陬观者' 的评论 :
1. You see, you cannot control how other people think about you or if they like you or not.
1) 你如果喜欢把自己当作完全对等的美国人,当然也是你的自由; 而且也可以 自我感觉良好。 但今天如果说到 是否存在歧视,并不是你自己如何看待自己的问题; 那完全不是关键所在。 我可以用一句美国人用来调侃中产阶级的话来解释,就很清楚了。 这句话是什么呢? “So you think you belong to the middle class,huh? well, your boss thinks differently.” 关于歧视,可以讨论的话题很多,不是短短几段文句就可以说清楚的。 总之,不是你自以为你认同了,对方就会当然的 接受你的。
川普的一个优点也能听取别人的意见, 为美国利益考虑. 我查了一下你引用的Financial Times, 在那篇文章中还有: “Mr Branstad succeeded in convincing the president that Mr Miller’s proposal was too draconian, according to one person familiar with the White House showdown”. 以及White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said: “The US government had agency, White House principles, and presidential agreement on the final decision. It was supported by relevant stakeholders.”
As the administration debated ways to tackle Chinese espionage, Stephen Miller, a White House aide who has been pivotal in developing the administration’s hardline immigration policies, pushed the president and other officials to make it impossible for Chinese citizens to study in the US, according to four people familiar with internal
我认为是民主党总拿种族肤色说事, 为什么是少数民族就要被特殊照顾? 难道少数民族没有白人好吗? 反而是共和党/川普主张race and color blind, 要所有的人被完全包容 (fully inclusive). 引用一段Steve Bannon 被Quartz 采访的一段话: “Nationalism, then, is the mechanism through which Judeo-Christian traditions and values become part of society. That’s because nationalism is fully inclusive, in the sense that it invites people of different backgrounds to unite under a common “American” sense of self. It dissolves minority identities—leading to the emphasis on “colorblindness” of “all lives matter” and opposition to affirmative action.”
因此只有美国社会接受任何人,不论什么种族都有权成为美国人,而不是只有某种人可以成为,或者成为美国人的标准或者比例有不同时,华人才有可能谈论对自己的定位。如果人家认为你是二等公民,甚至没权利是公民,毫无顾忌地喊go back China的时候,你自认可以把自己看作是有平等权利的美国人,那叫阿Q精神。
而川普从竞选开始就在提倡nationalist的理念,美国是白人的国家。川普的一贯言论里不忌讳歧视穆斯林和西班牙裔,如果总统都可以这样,又如何避免其他人歧视华裔呢?为什么在川普之前美国社会很少听说有在公开场合喊go back China这种事?