Business hours dress

Hello and welcome to my blog! This will be a blog about my life, and what I like and dislike. On that, my passions are reading,
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Hey guys!! It’s Olivi2Qte with another post.Luckly,J’ai (I) have a new post to share

et (and) c’est (it’s) a new dress!! This is a full on outfit,something your fellow

coworkers might wear every once and a while. The top is a nice coat with a v-neck

 collar,avec (with) light brown fabric (Colors may vary for whole outfit) with gray

buttons down the middle and on the sleeves sides. The dress is a plain, but not boring

because the top already has enough going on. Le robe (the dress) actually

compliments the top!! Well, let’s get to the bottom of this! Literally! The heels are

FABULOUS and totally looks NICE with any colour you choose! The strap (in this pic)

is pink with black padding and brown wooden-like heels!! Cute! Bye guys!

Olivi2Qte 发表评论于
Thanks mon belle maman.
Olivi2Qte 发表评论于
Proud of you,my sweetie!