【專輯藝人】:Gerry Rafferty
【專輯名稱】:Baker Street
格里.拉弗蒂(Gerry Rafferty)蘇格蘭民謠歌手,唱作人, 1947年出生於蘇格蘭Paisley, 母親是蘇格蘭人,父親是愛爾蘭人, Can I Have My Money Back是Gerry Rafferty的第一張個人專輯, 之後的單曲"Baker Street"以及專輯City to City都讓他名聲大振, 成為70年代最成功的歌手之一。更值得一提的是, 他所參與的另外兩支樂隊Humblebums和Stealers Wheel也都相當的成功。Baker Street是Gerry Rafferty於1998年發行的一張合輯專輯。它具有1978年至1988年的16首最佳熱門歌曲。Stealers Wheel後來的分裂讓Rafferty苦澀而面臨破產。他花了三年時間才把自己從剝削合同中解脫出來。Baker Street“貝克街”是在這段時期寫的,當時Rafferty在他位於格拉斯哥的家和在倫敦的律師樓之間, 為了官司的糾纏來回奔跑。 常暫居於友人倫敦的小公寓, 附近有一條"貝克街", 他說:“I knew a guy who lived in a little flat off Baker Street,” “We’d sit and chat or play guitar there through the night.”
在主要和次要和弦之間的切換,這首歌設定了Rafferty的早期希望(“You used to think that it was so easy…”)對比著他對音樂事業的幻景和不斷增加的酒精依賴(“…but you’re crying, you’re crying now“)。 在最後一節中,他對於解決了法律的訴訟而感到寬慰:“The sun is shining it’s a new morning/ And you’re going, you’re going home.”
Gerald Rafferty (16 April 1947 – 4 January 2011) was a Scottish singer-songwriter known for his solo hits "Baker Street", "Right Down the Line" and "Night Owl", as well as "Stuck in the Middle with You" recorded with the band Stealers Wheel.
Rafferty was born into a working-class family in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. His mother taught him both Irish and Scottish folk songs as a boy; later, he was influenced by the music of The Beatles and Bob Dylan. He joined the folk-pop group The Humblebums in 1969. After they disbanded in 1971, he recorded his first solo album, Can I Have My Money Back? Rafferty and Joe Egan formed the group Stealers Wheel in 1972 and produced several hits, most notably "Stuck in the Middle with You" and "Star". In 1978, he recorded his second solo album, City to City, which included "Baker Street", his most popular song.
Baker Street is a compilation album released in 1998 by Gerry Rafferty. It features 16 of his best hits from 1978 to 1988.
- 01. Baker Street
- 02. Right Down the Line
- 03. City to City
- 04. Waiting for the Day
- 05. Get It Right Next Time
- 06. Take the Money and Run
- 07. Days Gone Down
- 08. Why Won't You Talk to Me
- 09. The Royal Mile
- 10. Wastin' Away
- 11. Bring It All Home
- 12. Don't Close the Door
- 13. Sleepwalking
- 14. A Change of Heart
- 15. On the Way
- 16. Night Owl