今天我发 质疑害死人, 本来没打算写糖。 我记得Merchants of Doubt DVD 提了一句, 没有深入探讨。 百科说糖是她最关心的问题。 我于是回家查书,也没有看到专门的章节。 于是查到了纽约客的一篇面向大众的文章, 和一篇科学论文 。
2。糖商更直接地影响科学。 到今天,从科学杂志发表的文章看,还不能确定糖是有害的。 这种策略是有他的根据的。 烟草是基本上没什么好处的,但人体确实需要一定量的糖,这个就更容易搅浑水。
二。科学论文较长。就把几个糖业的几个手段摘抄如下, 有兴趣的读者请点击链接详细阅读。
Focus on personal responsibility as the cause of the nation's unhealthy diet.
Raise fears that government action usurps personal freedom.
Vilify critics with totalitarian language, characterizing them as the food police, leaders of a nanny state, and even “food fascists,” and accuse them of desiring to strip people of their civil liberties.
Criticize studies that hurt industry as “junk science.”
Emphasize physical activity over diet.
State there are no good or bad foods; hence no food or food type (soft drinks, fast foods, etc.) should be targeted for change.
Plant doubt when concerns are raised about the industry.