这个奇怪的情况完全和你昨晚做的梦结束时的情况一模一样。当梦结束了,梦里的“我”是无法体验到底怎么结束的,梦里的“我”不可能知道梦结束后会发生什么。梦里的“我”就没有了。属于梦里的“我”的那个梦“世界”也同时结束了,完全不留下一丝痕迹,好像完全没有发生过一样。这就是为什么所有真正明白的大师都会告诉你同一个道理,经验是完全不流痕迹的。英文是这样说的:Being or experiencing is never crystalized。中文翻译就是说:经验是完全不结晶的不留一丝痕迹的。
回复 'XYZ101' 的评论 :
今天的世界,是谁观察的结果? 是我们用心变这宇宙出来的结果。佛说,万法由心生,万法由心灭。在万法里,有一法是我们大家最熟悉,就是“相”法。相法是万法之一。人人都会说,“相由心生”。相是由心造。心好相就自然就好。心好是因,相好是果。同理,其它事物,包括,宇宙万物,都是由心所造。心是因,世间万物是果。因果次序不能倒乱。当然这个心不是指几十亿地球人的心。这个心是来自十方(十方是指以我们为中心,上,下,加上东,南,西,北,东南,东北,西南,西北)众生的。这些众生的数目之多是我们人类无法想象的。当然,我们自己的心也是可以影响到自己和小范围内的事物。十方众生的心就可以改变整个宇宙。
Dr. Weiss的一个病人在催眠里看到自己的未来也证实佛说的心可以改变一切,灾难是人心所变。灾难是果报,不好的心是起因。
My name is Ephraim. I'm at a conference with Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, holistic, and indigenous ministers and healers. We meet frequently, two or three times a week, to meditate and pray, creating a harmonious energy to combat the hate and violence endemic to the unenlightened in-habitants of the world. Our numbers are few, no more than fifty, but our power is great. Our purpose is to neutralize the Earth-damaging energies unknowingly unleashed by those who don't care or don't know about spiritual laws. Those energies create earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, epidemics. We used to think these were random events. Now we believe they're spawned—or at least influenced—by the thoughts and intentions of human-kind. And we can prevent them!
(One of the questions that comes up frequently is "Where do the souls come from since there are so many more people now than when the world started?" I have posed this question to many patients, and the answer is always the same: This is not the only place where there are souls. There are many dimensions, many different levels of consciousness where there are souls. Why should we feel that we're the only place? There is no limit to energy. This is one school of many schools. Also, a few patients have told me that souls can split and have simultaneous experiences.)
Just before we die, our soul, that part of us which is aware when it leaves the body, pauses for a moment, floating. In that state it can differentiate color, hear voices, identify objects, and review the life it has just departed. This phenomenon is called an out-of-body experience, and it has been documented thousands of times, most famously by Elisabeth Kiibler-Ross and Raymond Moody. Each of us experiences it when we die, but only a few have come back to present life to report on it.
我不确定你讲的,和 Dr.Jim Tucker MD 讲的,是否是一回事。 见 Life before Life by Jim B. Tucker 和 The Boy who knew too much by Cathy Byrd. 不过, Dr. Lommel 的量子力学解释,我是认同的,只是仍然有一些疑问,没有人给过解答。 我的疑问是:今天的世界,是谁观察的结果? 你或我?我们的祖先? 还是我们祖先的祖先-猴子? 或者是最初的草履虫?还是许多平行宇宙的重合?