How are cancer survival rates used?
You and your doctor might use survival statistics to:
- Understand your prognosis. The experience of other people in your same situation can give you and your doctor an idea of your prognosis — the chance your cancer will be cured. Other factors include age and general health. Your doctor uses these factors to help you understand the seriousness of your condition
可以说几乎所有病人都是被这样告知的 。但是,这样的信息是不准确的。统计数字只能用来说再找同样数字的同样病人做同样统计,会得到同样%的特定的可信度的数据。跟“the chance your cancer will be cured”和“understand the seriousness of your condition”没有任何关系:这里,“your” 是指面前的这位特定病人。统计数字的%不代表“chance”。这个特定的病人在评估时间(5年)以后,要么活着,要么不,没有%可言。
Develop a treatment plan. Statistics can also show how people with your same cancer type and stage respond to treatment. You can use this information, along with your goals for treatment, to weigh the pros and cons of each treatment option
也不准确:统计数字不能“show how people with your same cancer type and stage respond to treatment"。具体的一个病人,要么有疗效,要么没有,跟统计数字无关。
化疗的统计数字,也是同理。我前面文章里说到,化疗是化武来的,说是 “毒药” 不过分。诊断出癌,做了切除手术以后,要不要化疗,因人而异,不能看统计数字。