A Zoo:香港新闻有感

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A Zoo

Not long ago,

A king built a zoo.

He collected lots of animals,

In the place called new oriental.

He ordered them all,

To be  happy and follow his rule,

Which is,

I say, you do.

I say, you do.

I say, you do.


The almighty king mercifully runs the zoo.

He feeds the animals with plentiful food,

He trains the animals how to behave,

He teaches the animals what to think,

He orders the animals to enjoy the freedom.

Live behind the wall,

Eat, drink, pee, and poop.

He won’t bother the animals,

as long as they follow his rule:

I say, you do.

I say, you do.

I say, you do.


But not all the animals are satisfied.

Some of them want more than food,

They want to live in the way which they should,

They want to think as far as they could,

They want to talk about their thoughts,

A few even want to flee from the zoo.


The king is mad, and he prepares lead.

He cautions the animals to watch their heads!

Don’t break his mercy heart,

God damned animals!

Don’t be too greedy,

I have given everything you need:

Air, food, water, and the freedom to

Eat, drink, poop and pee.

I trained you how to think and talk.

How dare you want even more,

and imagine breaking the wall?

If you want to survive,

The only way is,

To follow my rule:

I say, you do.

I say, you do.

I say, you do.


Several days ago,

Someone asked about Hong Kong,

Millions of angry people,

Protesting on the street.

I don’t understand, I answered,

They are rich, why do they struggle?

My friend cried at me,

Why are you so indifferent!

I used to live in the zoo, I replied.

I don’t care about freedom,

I just want enough food!

I have shed my blood and learned a life rule,

which is,

The king is the state,

He speaks, I absently listen,

He preaches, I blindly worship,

He dictates, I silently follow.


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